ACC 0772 04/07/24
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If you have already submitted an ONLINE application, DO NOT USE THIS application form.
Accord Mortgages
Portability Application Form
For more details of our requirements please refer to our website
Contact us to make your valuation
fee payment by card over the phone
Evidence of post retirement
income (if within 15 years of
75% LTV and below - Latest payslip/
pension payslip & latest bank statement
(Employed / Retired applicants)
Above 75% LTV - Latest 3 payslips/
pension payslips & latest bank statement
(Employed / Retired applicants)
Latest personal bank statement &
latest business bank statement
(Self-employed applicants)
Evidence of repayment strategies for
any new Interest Only borrowing
(e.g. latest investment statements)
I am arranging the following buildings
insurance/contents cover
Company name Sum insured (if known) £
Premium £
I am arranging the following mortgage
payment insurance cover
Accident Sickness Unemployment
Through (name of company)
Name verication 1st Applicant 2nd Applicant
Document type (e.g. Driving licence, passport)
Issuer (e.g. DVLC, passport oce)
Document reference number
(e.g. Passport number)
Document expiry date
Document’s country of origin
(if foreign passport or national ID card used)
Residency verication
Document type (e.g. Utility bill, bank
Document reference number (e.g. customer
Document issue date (must be within 3
I conrm that I have veried the customer(s) identity and will retain suitable records of the evidence seen to satisfy identity verication requirements
under the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 and the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. I will make these records available, on request, to
Accord Mortgages Ltd or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). I have advised the customer on the types of valuations and surveys available; the
other costs included; and credit scoring (if you need any further information about these please refer to our website I
also conrm that the registration number for the FCA completed below is correct, and that I have complied with the FCA rules in giving advice to the
customer(s). I conrm that I am not submitting this application on behalf of an unauthorised person or rm.
Please tick to provide consent Date
Name Position
Firm name Email
Address Telephone
Postcode FSR Number
Please indicate the mortgage club/network to be used
(We are unable to pay you a procuration fee without this information)
What is your fee charged to your client for arranging
this mortgage?
What is the amount of your fee that is refundable if
the mortgage application does not proceed?
What is your fee charged to your client for arranging
Is the level of service oered to your client advised?
Account number
Please use this application form to port your clients existing Accord mortgage. Where your applicant is within 90 days of their product expiring you
can apply for a new business product via this application form.
Step 1. Obtain an Illustration for you and your client here
Step 2. Complete the below editable PDF application form
Step 3. Ensure you have received confirmation from all applicants to submit the application and their personal data for processing
Step 4. Save the completed application form as a PDF, check out our guide on how to do this here
Step 5. Attach the completed application form along with supporting documentation in an email to [email protected]. Please
note we cannot accept a scanned c
opy of the application form
Please select
Please select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select...
Please select
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PERSONAL DETAILS 1st Applicant 2nd Applicant
1. Existing account numbers with Accord
Mortgages (if applicable)
2. Title (Mr, Mrs, etc) and surname
Title Surname Title Surname
3. Forename(s)
4. Date of birth
5. Nationality
6. Marital status (delete as appropriate) Married
Single Married
Widowed Surviving
Widowed Surviving
7. Maiden/previous surname
8. Are you a UK citizen or do you hold a
European Community passport?
Yes No Yes No
If No, do you have indenite leave to
remain in the UK?
Yes No Yes No
9. Number of dependants (e.g. children who
are nancially dependant on you)
10. At what age do you expect to retire?
11. Present address (including postcode)
Postcode Postcode
12. How long have you lived at your present
Years Months Years Months
13. Are you currently (tick as appropriate) Owner
Tenant Owner
Other (please specify) Other (please specify)
1. Purchase price (house purchase only)
or approximate value of property
(if remortgaging)
What is the current valuation amount of the
property? (Scotland only)
2. Is this a Help to Buy Equity Loan
Yes No
If yes, please conrm which Help to Buy
scheme (i.e. England)
3. If Help to Buy scheme, what is the equity
loan amount?
£ Equity loan term (whole years only)
4. Total loan required and over what term? £ Years Months
5. If remortgaging, how much is the loan for? Repayment of existing mortgage £
Capital raising (please note this may not be
used for business purposes)
Home improvements (please specify)
(e.g. Central heating/bathroom/kitchen)
£ For
Other (please specify) (e.g. Purchase of land/
transfer of property subject to mortgage)
£ For
6. Is the loan for the benet of all applicants (remortgage only)? Yes No
7. Are you purchasing, or was the property purchased, under the ‘Right to Buy’ scheme or as a
concessionary purchase?
Yes No
Please Select
Please Select
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PERSONAL DETAILS 1st Applicant 2nd Applicant
14. If you have lived at your present address
for less than 3 years, please tell us your
previous address
Postcode Postcode
15. How long were you at your previous
Years Months Years Months
16. Were you previously Owner
Tenant Owner
Other (please specify) Other (please specify)
If you have more than one previous address during the last 3 years please provide details for each address in the extra space on page 10
1. Email address
2. Home telephone number
3. Work telephone number (include ext)
4. Preferred contact Email Post Email Post
Mobile Home/
Mobile Home/
5. Preferred time Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon
Evening Evening
I understand that it is a criminal oence if either I or someone acting on my behalf provides incorrect information in order to obtain a mortgage, and
the provision of any inaccurate information can lead to prosecution for fraud.
1. Are you currently (tick as appropriate) Employed Self
Employed Self
Retired Un-
Retired Un-
Other (please specify) Other (please specify)
2 Are you? Full time Part time Full time Part time
Are you? Permanent Fixed term Permanent Fixed term
Zero hours
Zero hours
What is your company’s/employer’s trade
What is your job title?
3 Are you a member of a company pension/
annuity scheme or superannuation
Yes No Yes No
4. Basic annual salary and/or pension/
Salary £ Pension £ Salary £ Pension £
Zero hour salary (if applicable) £ Zero hour salary (if applicable) £
Share of net prots for the last 2 years plus
a projection and go to question 7
Amount £ £ £ Amount £ £ £
Sustainable annual overtime
(i.e. the amount
you reasonably expect to continue earning)
£ £
Sustainable annual bonus (
i.e. the amount
you reasonably expect to continue earning)
£ £
Annual commission £ £
Do you receive childcare vouchers? Yes No Yes No
Please tell us the annual amount £ £
Other (e.g. annual band enhancement/
annual dividends)
£ £
Total income £ £
5. Are you due a pay rise in the next 3
Yes No Yes No
If YES, new annual basic salary £ £
Are you due an increment in the next 12
Yes No Yes No
If YES, new annual basic salary £ £
6. Is your income likely to reduce in the
Yes No Yes No
If YES, please provide details
7. What date did you start your current
If you are a xed term contract, please
state the start and end dates of contract?
End End
End End
8. Please give details of any other income
you receive (e.g. pay from 2nd job, share
dividends, maintenance payments, rental)
£ £
Source Source
If you receive any of the following
benets, please provide details: DLA,
PIP, Employment and Support Allowance,
Carer’s allowance, Industrial Injuries
Disablement Benet
£ £
Source Source
If dividend income, please provide last 2
years plus projection
Last year Last year
Year 2 Year 2
Projection Projection
If you are a company director, please
provide your share of net prots minus
corporation tax for the last 2 years, plus a
Last year Last year
Year 2 Year 2
Projection Projection
1. National Insurance number
2. Name of your Tax Oce
3. Tax Reference (not your tax code)
4. Employee number and/or pension/annuity
5. Employer and/or pension/annuity
company name
6. Employer and/or pension/annuity
company address
Postcode Postcode
7. Name and telephone number (inc
ext) of the individual who can provide
conrmation of your income
Name Name
Telephone Telephone
8. How are you paid? Cash Cheque Cash Cheque
Direct to
(please specify) Direct to
Other (please specify)
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9. How often are you paid? Weekly
4 weekly Other (please specify) 4 weekly Other (please specify)
If you are about to leave your current employment, please give details of any future employment in the extra space on page 10
If you receive income from more than one pension or have more than one employer, please give us details in the extra space on page 10
10. If you have been with your current employer for less than 3 months, please tell us where you previously worked during the last year and when
your employment stated and nished?
Previous employer’s name
Previous employer’s address
Postcode Postcode
Previous employer’s telephone number
Dates of employment Start Start
End End
1. Name and address of your business
Name of business Name of business
Address Address
Postcode Postcode
How long has the business been
Years Months Years Months
How long have you been connected with
the business?
Years Months Years Months
2. Do you produce accounts? Yes No Yes No
3. Name, address and telephone number of
your accountant (incl name of person)
Name Name
Telephone Telephone
Address Address
Postcode Postcode
4. What qualications does your accountant
hold? (e.g. FCA, ACA)
5. If you are a company director, what is your
% shareholding?
% %
1. Please tell us your anticipated retirement
2. Please tell us what you will do should your
retirement income be insucient to cover
the mortgage payments.
Sell 2nd property Sell 2nd property
Sell this property and downsize Sell this property and downsize
Make regular overpayments Make regular overpayments
Please note that the term of the mortgage cannot extend beyond your expected retirement date
for any interest only parts of your mortgage
1. Do you have a current account with a bank
or building society?
Yes No Yes No
If YES, how long you have had it? Years Months Years Months
Do you have a debit card? Yes No Yes No
Do you regularly use an overdraft facility? Yes No Yes No
Maximum amount overdrawn in last 3
£ £
2. Do you have a savings account? Yes No Yes No
3. Please tell us how much you have in savings £ £
Please select
Please select
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4. How many credit cards do you have?
5. Are you planning on taking any further
debts and/or credit cards?
Yes No Yes No
6. Do you have any debts outstanding under
hire purchase arrangements, bank loans,
credit cards, secured loans, student loans?
Yes No Yes No
If YES, please give details, including
outstanding debts, monthly repayments,
the dates when the debts are due to be
fully repaid, and if they will be paid o on
Type Type
Outstanding debt Outstanding debt
Monthly repayment Monthly repayment
Final repayment Final repayment
Repaid on
Repaid on
7. Do you have childminding, nursery or
school fees or signicant outgoings e.g.
hobbies/gym/golf membership?
Type of outgoing Monthly amount Type of outgoing Monthly amount
£ £
8. Are you making maintenance payments to a
third party?
Yes No Yes No
If YES, please provide full details
9. Have you had a mortgage or been party to
Yes No Yes No
10.Following completion of this mortgage,
will you be party to any other mortgage(s)?
If you are in the process of applying for
a mortgage (including buy to let and
investment mortgages) with another lender,
you should tell us about this too
Yes No Yes No
If YES, please provide full details If YES, please provide full details
11.When you take out this mortgage what will
the outstanding balance be on any other
£ £
12.Have you ever been behind with any
nancial commitment?
Yes No Yes No
Maximum months arrears
Last date 3 months in arrears
Missed payments in last 12 months
Missed payments in previous 12 months
Payments made in last 3 months
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
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13. Have you ever had a county court judgment
(CCJ) or a high court judgment registered
against you?
If YES, please provide full details
Yes No Yes No
Date registered Date registered
Amount Amount
Is it satised? Is it satised?
Date satised Date satised
14. Have you ever been subject to a
Bankruptcy order or Trust Deed
(Scotland only)?
If YES, please provide full details
Yes No Yes No
Date registered Date registered
Is it discharged? Is it discharged?
Date discharged Date discharged
14.1 Have you ever been subject to an
Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)?
If YES, please provide full details
Yes No Yes No
Date registered Date registered
Is it satised? Is it satised?
Date satised Date satised
Monthly payment
Monthly payment
Final IVA payment
Final IVA payment
Repaid on
Repaid on completion
1st Applicant 2nd Applicant
1. What is the mortgage account number?
2. Name and address of the lender
Name Name
Address Address
Postcode Postcode
3. What is the address of the property?
Postcode Postcode
Date mortgage opened
Date repaid
(if applicable)
Balance outstanding (if applicable) £ £
Monthly mortgage payment
(if applicable) £ £
4. If this mortgage will still be outstanding
when your new mortgage completes, will
Repay the mortgage at the time of
Repay the mortgage at the time of
Be released from the mortgage Be released from the mortgage
Retain the mortgage Retain the mortgage
5. If applicable, what is the selling price/
value of your property?
£ £
If you have had more than one mortgage in the last 12 months, please answer questions 1-5
above for each mortgage held in the extra space on page 10
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
The date your tenancy began
Your monthly rental payment £ £
2. Have all your rent payments been paid on
Yes No Yes No
If No, please provide details in the extra space on page 10
If you have rented more than one property in the last 12 months, please provide full details
for each tenancy in the extra space on page 10
1. Approximate year the property was built Date of entry (Scotland Only)
2. Full address (if it is a new property, and
yet to be numbered, please tell us the plot
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5. Accommodation - please indicate the
number of:
Reception rooms Kitchens
Bathrooms Inside WCs (if separate)
6. Are there solar panels on the property? Yes No
7. Which of these applies to the property?
(more than one answer may apply)
Heritable (
Feudal) (Scotland ONLY)
Freehold Commonhold
Leasehold unexpired term of
Years Ground rent /service
8. Please give the full names of anyone over
the age of 17 who will be living with you in
the mortgaged property
9. Do you intend to run a business from or let
any part of the property?
Yes No
If YES, please provide details
10. Will the property be your main residence? Yes No
11. Is the property a new build?
(will you be the
rst owner/occupier since the property was built/
converted to its current state)?
Yes No
12. If a new build, please provide the builders’
13. If a new build, please provide the
development name
4. If you have ticked FLAT or MAISONETTE,
please tell us
Which oor in block No of oors in block
Purpose built Converted house
Above/below shop premises
3. Type of property
(more than one answer may apply)
House Bungalow
Flat/maisonette Detached
Semi detached Terrace
1. If you are currently renting the property that you are living in, please tell us:
The name, address and telephone number
of your current landlord
Name Name
Telephone Telephone
Address Address
Postcode Postcode
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1. If you wish to pay on a date other than the
1st, please enter a date in the box
(2ND - 28TH)
2. Which of Accord Mortgages’ products are
you applying for?
Product code Capital & Interest
Interest only Total
£ £ £
£ £ £
£ £ £
Note: If you would like to have more than one product, or if you are an existing borrower wishing to use portability, please conrm the amount
required on each product
3. For any new Interest Only borrowing,
please state the proposed repayment
strategy that will be used to repay the
amount borrowed at term end e.g. Existing
endowment, general investments, sale of
mortgaged property
Repayment strategy Amount Repayment strategy Amount
£ £
£ £
You must make sure you have made the necessary arrangements to repay your mortgage at the
end of the repayment term.
4. For any existing Interest Only parts, please
state the proposed repayment strategy
that will be used to repay the amount
borrowed at term end. Please refer to the
Accord website for details of acceptable
repayment strategies for any existing
Interest Only parts.
Repayment strategy Amount Repayment strategy Amount
£ £
£ £
5. Do you want to add the Higher Lending
Charge to your loan amount?
Yes No N/A
A mortgage valuation is solely for our purposes and benet so that we can be satised that the property provides sucient security for us to lend.
You may not receive a copy of any valuation report prepared in connection with this application.
1. What type of valuation have you had/do
you require?
Mortgage valuation Home buyer survey &
If the valuation has already been carried
out please conrm contact name, address
and telephone number of the valuer
Telephone number
2. Who can the valuer obtain keys from?
(Please conrm contact name, address and
daytime telephone number)
Telephone number
3. Name and address of solicitor/licensed
(Please conrm contact name, address and
telephone number)
Telephone number
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
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4. Name and address of person selling
(Please conrm contact name, address and
daytime telephone number)
Telephone number
5. Apart from your Help to Buy Equity Loan (if applicable) if you are borrowing the dierence between the purchase price and the amount of loan
you are applying for, please tell us:
from where, and the date when you must
repay it
how much you are borrowing and how
much you will be repaying each month
Amount borrowed £ Monthly repayment £
6. Are you receiving any cashbacks,
discounts, allowances or other incentives
in connection with this purchase
from any source?
Yes No
If YES, please provide full details opposite
7. If the property is under construction, do
you wish the mortgage to be released in
Yes No
If YES, please provide a correspondence
address opposite
If applicable, fee to be added to loan Yes No N/A
Please tell us how your client will pay any fees that are due
Please make payment by card
Accord to contact customer by phone for card
You are allowed to link up to a maximum of three accounts to your oset mortgage account. All names on the oset savings account must also be a
party to the mortgage application.
By signing the declaration on page 15 you are agreeing to us opening one oset savings account in the mortgage holder’s name(s) as indicated below.
If you would like additional oset savings accounts linked to your mortgage you must complete separate application forms (ACC0123OS) for each
additional account.
Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Joint
Your signature is required to enable you to maintain and transact on your account following completion of your mortgage. This also forms parts of the
Terms and Conditions of an oset mortgage.
Account holder Account number
Account holder Account number
Account holder Account number
Your payment date
A rst payment of initial interest will be payable immediately following completion. Your monthly payments will then be due on the rst day of the
month to which they relate, starting from the 1st of the month following release of funds. With Accord Mortgages’ agreement the date that your monthly
payments are due can be changed to any date between the 1st and 28th of the month, to help coincide with your salary payment.
1. If you prefer, you may specify a payment date between 1st and
28th of each month. Please enter the date opposite.
Your payment method
Accord Mortgages operates a Direct Debit scheme which provides a simple and convenient way to pay. On page 14 is a Direct Debit instruction form.
Please complete it, sign it and return it along with this application form, to ensure that there is no delay in commencing collection following completion
of your mortgage. No collections will be taken until after completion of your mortgage, and Accord Mortgages will give you ten working days’ notice
of any change in the amount or date of your direct debit collections.
If you have NOT completed the Direct Debit form, please indicate how
you intend to make payments
Standing order
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With the oset mortgage account you have three options for your payment amount. You can change your oset option at any time during the life of
your mortgage by contacting us.
1. Net – Reduce current mortgage repayments Your monthly payment is calculated based on the dierence between your mortgage balance and
your oset savings balance; so the more savings you have, the lower your monthly mortgage payment will be. You must specify the total amount
of savings you will have linked to your mortgage within 30 days of completion to ensure we calculate your mortgage payments correctly. You
must make us aware if you reduce your oset savings balance at any time, as your mortgage payments will only automatically be recalculated at
our annual review and if savings are withdrawn, you could be underpaying.
2. Gross – Reduce future mortgage repayments You make your monthly mortgage payment as if there was no money in your oset savings account.
Your oset savings are used to reduce the interest charged on your mortgage and lower the monthly payment when it is recalculated at annual
review. The payment is recalculated, based on the mortgage balance and the remaining mortgage term.
3. Static – Pay your mortgage o sooner Similar to option 2, however a static/xed direct debit amount is set up and maintained throughout the
mortgage term which eectively pays the mortgage balance o quicker. The monthly direct debit payment will not reduce even though the
registered monthly mortgage payment will. The static payment can be amended at any time. You must specify the amount you want your xed
static payment to be which needs to be equal to or higher than the gross monthly payment to take eect.
Please indicate the payment option you require
Net payment - Enter estimated savings balance here £
Static payment - Enter static amount as discussed during your appointment here £
Please refer back to your adviser/broker if this was not discussed
Accord Mortgages Limited decides what personal information we
need to collect about you, how we use it, who we share it with
and how long we keep it. This makes us the data controller of
your personal information for data protection purposes.
When we refer to ‘Society’, ‘YBS Group’ or ‘Yorkshire Group’
we mean Yorkshire Building Society Group (Accord’s parent
company) trading as:
- Yorkshire Building Society
(sometimes referred to as The Yorkshire, YBS)
- Chelsea Building Society
(sometimes referred to as The Chelsea, CBS)
- Norwich and Peterborough
(sometimes referred to as N&P)
We will use the personal information obtained from you and
additional information obtained in the course of opening and
managing your account. This includes, but is not limited to, name,
address, identication, account transactions and communications
and where relevant sensitive information, credit reference
data, nancial crime data, health details, nationality and legal
We will respect your rights to privacy and will only collect,
use, store and share your personal information where a lawful
purpose applies:
- It’s necessary for the performance of a contract you have or
have requested to enter into.
- If we have a legal obligation.
- If we have a legitimate business interest where it does not
have an unfair impact on you.
- If you have given your consent where the collection, use,
storage or sharing involves special category (sensitive)
personal information (e.g. health race and religion).
- Where we believe you or another person is at risk and we
need to protect your or their vital interests.
- Where it’s in the public interest or we have been given
ocial authority to do so.
For full details of the types of information used in each product,
and the other lawful purposes we may use it for, please see our
‘’How we use your personal information’’ booklet which can
found at or via your intermediary.
When you apply for a mortgage account we will use your personal
information together with other information available including
relevant sensitive information, (e.g. health, race and religion), for:
- Identity verication (including checking documents with
issuing authorities e.g. driving licence - DVLA)
- Processing any Decision in Principle
- Processing your application
- Making credit decisions about you
- Contacting you where necessary
- Fraud prevention and detection
- Arranging associated insurance (where you have requested us
to do so)
- Completing your mortgage
- Administering your account up to and including redemption
- Legal and regulatory compliance
- Marketing (where we have your consent) and market research
- General business purposes
If you are making an enquiry or application on behalf of another
person they must have authorised you to act on their behalf, to
give us their personal information, to authorise a credit search
and to consent to our use of their personal information. We may
also share information about you with a joint account holder if
they make an enquiry or further application without you being
present where they have conrmed you have authorised them to
act on your behalf.
We will share information with one or more Credit Reference
Agencies (CRAs), now and in the future, to:
- Check your identity
- Verify the accuracy of the information you have provided
- Assess your creditworthiness and aordability
- Manage your account(s)/relationship with us
- Process your application
- Ensure any oers we send are appropriate to you
- Trace and recover debts
- Prevent criminal activity, fraud and money laundering.
We will continue to exchange information about you with CRAs
while you have a relationship with us. We will also inform the
CRAs about your settled accounts. If you borrow and do not repay
in full and on time, CRAs will record the outstanding debt. This
information may be supplied to other organisations by CRAs.
When CRAs receive a search from us they will place a search
footprint on your credit le that may be seen by other lenders.
We routinely carry out an additional credit search for account
management purposes but this will not aect your future
creditworthiness as no hard foot print will be left.
If you are making a joint application, or tell us that you have a
spouse or nancial associate, we will link your records together,
so you should make sure you discuss this with them, and share
with them this information, before applying. CRAs will also link
your records together and these links will remain on your and
their les until such time as you or your partner successfully les
for a disassociation with the CRAs to break that link.
If we use an automated system to make a decision about you,
such as credit scoring, we will tell you if your application is
rejected and give you the opportunity to discuss the matter
with us. The decision can be reviewed to ensure an appropriate
decision has been made.
The personal information we have collected from you will be
shared with fraud prevention agencies who will use it to prevent
fraud and money-laundering and to verify your identity. If fraud
is detected, you could be refused certain services, nance or
employment in the future.
Further details of how your personal information will be used by
us, Credit Reference Agencies and Fraud Prevention Agencies can
be found in our booklet “How we use your personal information”
which can be found at or via your
If you take out Yorkshire Building Society home insurance or
other insurance we and/or your insurer may:
- Share information you have supplied and details of your policy
and claim with each other, a data administration company,
licensed credit reference agencies, relevant insurance
companies and fraud prevention bodies. This information will
be made available to other prospective lenders and insurers.
- Use your personal information together with other information
available (including relevant sensitive information (e.g. health,
race and religion) to carry out a risk assessment, process your
application, administer your policy and claims during the life
of the policy, for fraud prevention and detection, legal and
regulatory compliance, marketing and market research and
general business purposes.
- We may contact your medical professional representative with
your explicit consent to obtain information or conrm a pre-
existing medical condition you have informed us of, but we will
always explain why we need the information, how it will be
used and who it will be shared with.
Insurers pass information to the Claims and Underwriting Ex-
change register, run by Insurance Database Services Ltd. (IDS
Ltd.). The aim is to help us check information provided and also
to prevent fraudulent claims. When we deal with your request we
may search the register. When you tell us about an incident (such
as re, water damage or theft) which may or may not give rise
to a claim, we will pass information relating to it to the register.
IDS Limited may also pass on information received from other
insurers about other incidents involving anyone insured under
the policy.
We will only use, keep and share your personal information for
as long is required to meet our legal and regulatory obligations,
industry standards and business requirements, and to deal with
your enquiry, administer and manage your accounts, products
and relationship with us. After this time, we will delete your
personal information in line with the requirements of the
Financial Conduct Authority, Prudential Regulation Authority,
Money Laundering regulations, Financial Ombudsman Service
and HM Revenue & Customs.
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We may disclose your personal information with other people or
organisations as follows:
• The progress of your application, including if it has been granted,
to your broker, Independent Financial Adviser, professional
adviser or other intermediary, if the request came from them.
• With HM Revenue & Customs, Department for Work & Pensions,
any lender, landlord, employer or professional adviser named
on this form to obtain information to conrm any income
received and payments made.
To any government body providing you with nancial assistance
(for example, Homes England or Help to Buy (Wales) Limited)
any application or account information in which that body has a
legitimate interest such as an unauthorised letting or property
alteration or any identied false or inaccurate information.
The information you have supplied, and details of how
you conduct your account including disputes, arrears and
repossession proceedings, to joint account holders, anyone
who guarantees the loan or their legal adviser.
Your account, including current balance, current monthly
payment, projected balance and monthly payment to a
subsequent charge holder in connection with any application
for the postponement of that charge.
Your account, including balance outstanding, interest rate(s)
applicable, early repayment charges and monthly payments
to potential borrowers if one of you in the future enquires
about adding or removing a party to the account (also known
as a “transfer of equity”). However, such a transaction will not
proceed without a completed application form signed by all
account holders.
• With Yorkshire Building Society and its subsidiary companies
for fraud prevention, lawful purposes, account administration
and for general business purposes (e.g. updating customer
records, handling customer queries and complaints).
• Personal information to (i) our external auditors and regulatory
bodies including the Financial Ombudsman Service, Prudential
Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority,
and (ii) associate companies, agents and service providers
including solicitors and valuers acting for the Society, eld
agents, debt recovery agents, tracing agents, letting agents,
brokers, printers, market research agencies and providers of
information technology services.
If we sell or transfer all or part of our business, we may share or
transfer our customer records as part of the proposed/actual sale
or transfer. However, we will only do so under a contract or where
we have a legal obligation to do so. The protection, security and
condentiality of your personal information are important to us
and we put in place appropriate safeguards to manage this.
Where we transfer personal information to countries outside
the European Economic Area (EEA) this is always done under a
contract which includes appropriate safeguards for the security
and condentiality of your personal information, with your
consent, or where permitted by Data Protection laws.
You have the right to:
- Be informed about processing of your personal information
- Have your personal information corrected if it is inaccurate or
- Object or restrict to the processing of your personal information
- Have your personal information erased subject to conditions
(e.g. where the processing fails to satisfy legal requirements)
- Request access to your personal information and details about
how we process it
- Move, copy or transfer your personal information also known
as ‘data portability’
- Challenge automated decision making including proling, which
is the automated processing of your personal information to
evaluate certain things about you.
- Complain to the Information Commissioner’s Oce (https://ico. which enforces data protection laws
Although you may not transfer your interest in the mortgage
without consent, there is no restriction in the mortgage against
a transfer of our interest. Accord Mortgages Limited may transfer
its interest in your mortgage to another party which may not
necessarily be a building society or an associated body of
building society. Accord Mortgages is part of the Yorkshire
Building Society group but is a separate legal entity from
Yorkshire Building Society. You will not be a member of, or have
any membership rights in Yorkshire Building Society.
For more information please see our ‘How we use your personal
information’ and ‘Your Rights and Data Protection’ booklets.
Our ‘How we use your personal information’ booklet explains
what personal information we need to collect, why we need it,
where we may obtain information from and how long we keep
it for.
Our ‘Your Rights and Data Protection’ booklet provides more
information on data protection laws, our legal obligation and
your individual rights in relation to the processing of your
personal information.
To obtain a copy of these booklets, or if you wish to invoke any of
the rights listed above, simply visit our website or via your intermediary.
If you want to see what personal information we hold about you,
you can request a copy of this by completing a Subject Access
request form. This form can be found on our website or by putting a request in writing to
our head oce address.
Our Data Protection Ocer (DPO) provides help and guidance
to make sure we apply the best standards to protecting your
personal information. You can contact the DPO by writing to:
Data Protection Ocer
Yorkshire House
Yorkshire Drive
Or by emailing [email protected]
Page 14 of 16
I apply for a loan on the property mentioned on page 7 & 8 (or any Replacement Property form attached to this form).
1. I agree:
that this information will form the basis of the mortgage
contract between Accord Mortgages and me and that if I enter
into an associated insurance contract it will also be the basis
of a contract between the insurer and me
• I am aware that repayments for the capital and interest parts
of my loan may continue after I am retired. I conrm that I
have discussed this with my adviser and that I understand the
nancial implications.
to pay Accord Mortgages’ conveyancing costs and valuation
fees even if the mortgage does not complete.
• to a 10-day notice period for Direct Debit changes
to Accord Mortgages and its agents or other members of its
group disclosing the details of all oset savings accounts to
the other applicants and borrowers.
• to the processing of my personal information as explained
on page 11 of this form. My agreement here applies in any
circumstances during the mortgage where Accord Mortgages
needs to make a credit decision.
• to tell Accord Mortgages of any changes to the information in
this form which arise between now and completion of the loan.
• to the release to Accord Mortgages of my conveyancer’s le in
its entirety.
2. I conrm that:
the information in this form is true and complete, including
any answers which have been completed by someone else.
• I am aware that repayments for the capital & interest parts of
my additional loan may continue after I am retired. I conrm
that I have discussed this with my adviser and that I understand
the nancial implications.
3. I have read the explanation on Transfers of Mortgage (above)
and had the opportunity to have anything I do not understand
explained to me. I acknowledge that you are entitled to transfer
Accord Mortgages’ interest in the mortgage which I am applying
for and any related security, assignment or other related deeds
or documents to another body. I consent to the transfer of Accord
Mortgages’ interest.
4. I understand that:
• Accord Mortgages does not have to make an oer of a loan or
refund any fees paid.
• If Accord Mortgages oers me a loan, this does not imply that
Accord Mortgages agrees that the price paid for the property
is reasonable.
• There are no more than 2 applicants
• The property to be mortgaged is not a studio at
• The applicant will not rely on non-sterling income or assets to repay the mortgage
If there is an element of Interest Only and the repayment strategy is sale of mortgaged property, the customer has a minimum
equity of £250,000, or £300,000 if the property is located in London.
The applicant(s) will not be using the property for business purposes or altering the outside appearance of the property for business
• The property to be mortgaged will be the applicants’ main residence.
I conrm that all the above statements apply
I conrm that all applicants have consented to my acting on their behalf
I conrm that I have read ‘How we use your personal information’ to the applicant(s) and they agree to their information
in the way specied
A Decision in Principle will conrm that we would be prepared to lend the applicant(s) the amount requested. It is not a guarantee
because it’s subject to proof of Income as well as any references we request and a valuation of the property.
Please be aware that a Decision in Principle is a full credit search and will leave a hard footprint against the credit record of the
Please conrm you wish to continue
From time to time we would like to tell you about products and services that may be of benet to you. These may be provided by us
or other carefully selected organisations. To do this, we would like to communicate with you by post, email, text message, telephone
or any other appropriate messaging service.
1st Applicant details 2nd Applicant details
Mail Phone Mail Phone
text & other
No contact,
text & other
No contact,
Please tick to conrm applicant one has been
made aware of the above and gives consent to proceed
Please tick to conrm applicant two has been
made aware of the above and gives consent to proceed
We will not sell your details to other companies but we may use marketing agents to act on our behalf.
Page 15 of 16
1. Name and full postal address of your bank or building society.
The Manager
...................................................... Postcode: ......................................................
Accord Mortgages Limited
Yorkshire House
Yorkshire Drive
6 7 6 5 3 2
2. Name(s) of Account Holder(s)
3. Branch Sort Code
4. Bank/Building Society
Account Number.
5. Instruction to your Bank or Building society
Please pay Accord Mortgages Limited Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the
Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with Accord Mortgages Limited and, if so, details will be passed
electronically to my bank or building society.
Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions for some types of account.
The Direct Debit Guarantee
This Guarantee is oered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.
If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Accord Mortgages Limited will notify you 10 working days in
advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Accord Mortgages Limited to collect a payment, conrmation
of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.
If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Accord Mortgages Limited or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full
and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society.
- If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Accord Mortgages Limited asks you to.
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written conrmation may be required. Please
also notify us.
ACC 0772 (1019) 11/02/20
Please complete the whole form using ballpoint pen and return the completed form to the address below.
All communications with us may be monitored/recorded to improve the quality of our service and for your protection and security.
Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same standard network rate as 01 or 02 landline numbers, even when calling from a mobile.
This guarantee is provided by Accord Mortgages Limited
Accord Mortgages Limited is registered in England No. 2139881. Registered Oce: Yorkshire House, Yorkshire Drive, Bradford BD5 8LJ
Tel: 0345 1 200 872. Fax: 01274 734240.
For Accord Mortgages Limited ocial use only - this is not part of the instruction to your bank or building society
If you prefer, you may specify a payment date between 1st and 28th of each month. Please enter the date in the box.
Reference Number
Service User Number
Accord Mortgages Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Accord Mortgages Limited is entered in the Financial Services Register under registration number 305936.
(i.e. Accord Mortgages Limited Mortgage Account Number.)
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Accord Mortgages Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Accord Mortgages Limited is entered in the Financial Services Register under registration
number 305936. Accord Mortgages Limited is registered in England No. 2139881.
Registered Oce: Yorkshire House, Yorkshire Drive, Bradford, BD5 8LJ.
Tel 01274 801 000 - Fax 01274 801 070 - DX number 11756
Accord Mortgages is a registered Trade Mark of Accord Mortgages Limited.
All communications with us may be monitored/recorded to improve the quality of our
service and for your protection and security. Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same
standard network rate as 01 or 02 landline numbers, even when calling from a mobile.
With the oset mortgage account you have three options for your payment amount. You can change your oset option at any time during the life of
your mortgage by contacting us.
1. Net – Reduce current mortgage repayments Your monthly payment is calculated based on the dierence between your mortgage balance and
your oset savings balance; so the more savings you have, the lower your monthly mortgage payment will be. You must specify the total amount
of savings you will have linked to your mortgage within 30 days of completion to ensure we calculate your mortgage payments correctly. You
must make us aware if you reduce your oset savings balance at any time, as your mortgage payments will only automatically be recalculated at
our annual review and if savings are withdrawn, you could be underpaying.
2. Gross – Reduce future mortgage repayments You make your monthly mortgage payment as if there was no money in your oset savings account.
Your oset savings are used to reduce the interest charged on your mortgage and lower the monthly payment when it is recalculated at annual
review. The payment is recalculated, based on the mortgage balance and the remaining mortgage term.
3. Static – Pay your mortgage o sooner Similar to option 2, however a static/xed direct debit amount is set up and maintained throughout the
mortgage term which eectively pays the mortgage balance o quicker. The monthly direct debit payment will not reduce even though the
registered monthly mortgage payment will. The static payment can be amended at any time. You must specify the amount you want your xed
static payment to be which needs to be equal to or higher than the gross monthly payment to take eect.
Please indicate the payment option you require
Net payment - Enter estimated savings balance here £
Static payment - Enter static amount as discussed during your appointment here £
Please refer back to your adviser/broker if this was not discussed
Please note: without adequate security, email is not a secure form of communication as it may be intercepted, lost or corrupted. If you send
attachments via email without adequate security this should be made clear to your client as Accord Mortgages cannot accept liability for any loss of
personal information provided via this medium.
I declare that the share account will not be held by me as trustee or nominee for a company or other corporate body or for persons who include
a company or other corporate body. I will be subject to the terms and conditions of the account which are set out as follows: (i) Oset Savings
account - Oset Terms, I have a copy of these. I will also be subject to the Rules of Yorkshire Building Society (a copy of which can be obtained on
request). Each person who signs makes this declaration.
I agree to the processing of my personal information as explained on page 11 of this mortgage application form.
I agree to Accord Mortgages disclosing details of this Oset Savings account to all borrowers and guarantors (if any) of an Oset Mortgage account
linked to this account.
For joint accounts: How many signatures are required to operate the account?
1st Applicant signature
2nd Applicant signature
Under regulations for the prevention and detection of nancial crime, we have a responsibility to verify the identity of each applicant before
opening a new account, even existing customers. To do this we use an electronic verication system. However, in certain cases, for example, you are
not listed on the electoral roll or you have recently moved house, we may need further proof of your identity. For postal applications, this will mean
returning your application. Therefore, you may wish to provide additional proof of your identity with your application. To nd out which forms of
identication are acceptable, please call us on 0345 1200 872 or our website
New Oset savings account number
New Oset savings account holders
Commercial mortgages oered by YBS Commercial mortgages is not regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority. YBS Commercial mortgages is a trading name of Yorkshire Building Society.
Yorkshire Building Society is a member of the Building Societies Association and is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Yorkshire Building Society is entered in the Financial Services Register under registration
number 106085. Registered Oce: Yorkshire House, Yorkshire Drive, Bradford, BD5 8LJ.
Our printed material is
available in alternative
formats e.g. large print,
Braille or audio.
Please call us on
0345 1200 891.