This is a press release by Mediq N.V. in connection with the recommended public offer by AI Garden
B.V. for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares in the capital of Mediq N.V. This announcement
does not constitute an offer, or any solicitation of any offer, to buy or subscribe for any securities in
Mediq N.V. Any offer will be made only by means of an offer memorandum. This announcement is not
for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, in or into, directly or indirectly, Canada and
Japan. Terms not defined in this press release will have the meaning as set forth in the Offer
Advent increases offer price to € 14,00 per share
Utrecht, 18 January 2013 With reference to Advent International's press release
pursuant to Article 15, paragraph 4 of the Decree on Public Takeover Bids (Besluit
openbare biedingen Wft) dated today, Mediq informs that Advent has increased its
public offer for all issued and outstanding ordinary shares in Mediq, launched on 8
November 2012, from € 13.25 per share to 14.00 per share.
The offer price of 14.00 is final and will not be increased further. The offer price
represents an increase of 0.75 compared to the initial offer, representing a bid premium
of 61.8% compared to the closing share price as at 21 September 2012, the day before
the initial announcement.
On 4 January 2013, Advent extended the offer period, which initially expired that day, by
two weeks until 18 January 2013 17:40 hours. At that point in time, in aggregate
approximately 54% of the Mediq shares had been tendered. Pursuant to the Decree on
Public Takeover Bids (Besluit openbare biedingen Wft) the offer period of the offer will, in
connection with this price increase, be extended with seven business days from the
moment of the increase. As a result thereof, the offer period will expire on 29 January
2013 17.40 hours.
Note for editors/not for publication
Please contact the Corporate Communications department for more information:
Investor Relations: Media:
Catrien van Buttingha Wichers Ynte Hoekstra
T +31 30 282 16 09 T +31 30 282 10 61
M +31 6 53 39 36 65 M +31 6 22 19 72 04
catrien.van.butti[email protected]
Mediq is an international company delivering medical devices, pharmaceuticals and
related care services. The patient is at the centre of everything we do. Mediq
delivers via three channels: direct to people’s homes (Direct), to professional
customers such as hospitals, nursing homes and GPs (Institutional) and via Mediq
Pharmacies. Mediq operates in 15 countries. Its head office is located in Utrecht,
the Netherlands. The company was founded in 1899 and has around 8,300
employees. Mediq is listed on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam. Mediq reported € 2.7
billion net sales in 2011. For more information see