Sage 300 2023
Customizing Printed Forms
August 2022
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Last updated: August 12, 2022
Sage 300 Reports and Forms ................................................................. 1
Choosing Between Datapiped and ODBC Forms .............................................. 2
What Is a Datapipe? ...................................................................... 2
Modifying Forms Using Crystal Reports ....................................................... 3
Review Existing Reports and Forms Before You Start ..................................... 4
Editing an Existing ODBC Report with Crystal Reports ....................................... 4
Creating an ODBC Report with Crystal Reports ............................................... 6
Creating a Datapipe Report with Crystal Reports ............................................. 8
Parameters Used in Crystal Datapipe Reports ............................................ 9
Datapipe Design Time Parameters .................................................... 9
Datapipe Query (Optional) Parameters .............................................. 10
The Report Initialization (xxrpt.ini) File .................................................. 10
Creating the Datapiped Crystal Report Specification..................................... 12
Integrating Crystal Reports into Sage 300 .................................................. 14
The Report Descriptor File ............................................................... 15
Standard File Format ................................................................. 15
Report Style Guidelines ...................................................................... 18
Customizing Printed Forms iii
Customizing Printed Forms
and Reports with the
SAP Crystal Reports Designer
This document describes how to use SAP Crystal Reports® for Sage 300 to
modify the reports and forms that come with Sage 300, such as Accounts
Receivable statements, Accounts Payable checks, Order Entry invoices,
and Inventory Control stock labels.
All reports and business forms in Sage 300 except G/L financial
statements are generated using Crystal Reports.
The chapter assumes that you are familiar with Crystal’s capabilities.
Sage 300 Reports and Forms
Reports provided with Sage 300 fall into two main types:
Standard business forms. You can use Crystal Reports to customize
the following forms:
Credit notes
Order confirmations
Picking slips
Mailing, inventory, and shipping labels
Purchase requisitions
Purchase Orders
This document provides some background on how datapipes work and
how you use them with custom reports.
Standard accounting reports. You can also use Crystal Reports to
customize the standard reports that come with Sage 300, or to create
new reports for particular reporting purposes.
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 1
Choosing Between Datapiped and ODBC Forms
Choosing Between Datapiped and ODBC Forms
Sage 300 provides a large number of business forms that can be used “as
is” or be customized to suit the requirements of your company. Typically,
each business form comes in two versions, one for use with preprinted
forms, and one that prints a complete form on plain paper, with boxes,
lines, etc.
However, some business forms provide more alternatives. For example, in
Order Entry, you can customize the following invoice forms:
Datepiped forms
OEINV01.RPT and OEINV02.RPT are datapiped reports, which means
that they use a program to read information from the Sage 300
database and sort it for printing. Datapiped reports are faster, but not
as easily customizable as ODBC-based reports.
OEINV01.RPT is designed for printing on plain paper using a laser or
ink-jet printer, whereas OEINV02.RPT is designed for preprinted forms.
ODBC forms
OEINV04.RPT and OEINV05.RPT are ODBC-based versions of
OEINV01.RPT and OEINV02.RPT. They read data directly from the
Sage 300 database using standard database access methods.
Note: By default, Order Entry prints the datapiped versions of these
What Is a Datapipe?
A datapipe is a dynamic link library (DLL) program that performs database
queries for reports or forms.
Because datapipes are compiled and optimized for specific reports, they
can provide significant performance advantages over reports that use
standard database access techniques (ODBC access).
The disadvantage of datapipes is that they provide access to a fixed group
of fields. You cannot customize a datapiped report as much as you can
customize non-datapiped one.
2 Sage 300
Modifying Forms Using Crystal Reports
Modifying Forms Using Crystal Reports
You can edit ODBC-based reports and datapiped reports in Sage 300 using
version 11 or higher of Crystal Reports.
For example, you can:
Add graphic images.
Add report titles.
Add sections to the report to display subtotals and grand totals.
Add text to a report, or edit existing report text.
Change fonts and styles and format fields.
Move fields around the report.
Insert the following types of fields in ODBC reports:
Database fields. Database fields are the fields defined in the Sage
300 database and accessible using the existing database query or
by modifying the database query in Crystal Reports.
To insert database fields, choose Field Object from the Insert
menu, and select the database field from the Field Explorer
To expand the database query,
Computed fields. Computed fields are fields you can create to
contain the results of computations on other fields on the report.
You can use computed fields to calculate data, such as totaling
numbers in a column or computing an average.
Insert the following types of fields in datapiped reports:
Datapipe fields. Datapipe fields are the fields defined by the
datapipe dynamic link library file. To insert datapipe fields, choose
Field Object from the Insert menu, and select the database field
from the Field Explorer window.
Computed fields. Computed fields are fields you can create to
contain the results of computations on other fields on the report.
You can use computed fields to calculate data, such as totaling
numbers in a column or computing an average.
Note: You cannot add database fields to a datapipe report
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 3
Editing an Existing ODBC Report with Crystal Reports
Review Existing Reports and Forms Before You Start
Print copies of the forms from Sage 300 or refer to the Reports chapters in
each of the application User Guides. In most cases, you must have data
before you can print the forms.
Editing an Existing ODBC Report with Crystal
If you are editing an existing ODBC report, you must set the datasource
name for the report so it matches the datasource on your computer.
1. Copy and rename the Crystal report that you want to change.
2. Open the renamed report, and choose Database, Set Datasource
Location... from the Crystal Reports menu. The Set Datasource
Location dialog box will appear.
3. To change the current data source, expand Create New Connection in
the Replace With window, scroll down to ODBC, and expand again.
4. Choose the ODBC data source for the report data, and click the Next
4 Sage 300
Editing an Existing ODBC Report with Crystal Reports
5. Enter the connection information for the ODBC connection and click the
Finish button.
6. Select a table in the Current Data Source and one in the Replace With
data source, and click the Update button.
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 5
Creating an ODBC Report with Crystal Reports
7. Continue to update each table in the report.
8. Click the close button when you are finished.
Note: If the report has subreports, you must also set the data
sources for each of the tables in each of the subreports.
Creating an ODBC Report with Crystal Reports
To create a new report with ODBC access to a Sage 300 database, follow
these general steps.
1. Open Crystal Reports and choose File, New, Standard Report to create
a new blank report using Crystal’s Standard Report Creation Wizard.
The Data page will appear.
2. Expand the Create New Connection folder in the Data window, and
then expand ODBC to open a dialog from which you can select the data
source that you want to usein this case, SAMLTD.
6 Sage 300
Creating an ODBC Report with Crystal Reports
3. Choose the Next button after choosing the data source to move on to
the connection information screen, where you enter log on information
for designing the report.
4. Click Finish.
5. Select the database tables that you need for the report.
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 7
Creating a Datapipe Report with Crystal Reports
6. Save the report in the ENG directory for the application. (For example,
7. Add the optional parameter fields defined in the xxrpt.ini file. The
name of the Crystal report parameter field should be the same as the
corresponding optional parameter field defined in the xxrpt.ini file.
8. Add groups and formula fields, as needed.
9. Complete the report design (define sections, order, and so forth).
Creating a Datapipe Report with Crystal Reports
A datapipe is a dynamic link library (DLL). These DLLs are programs that
perform database queries for some Sage 300 reports. These programs can
provide significant performance advantages because you compile and
optimize them for specific reports.
The datapipe DLL returns records to Crystal, one at a time.
Crystal reports that use a datapipe DLL also have a DATAPIPE.INI text file
in the same directory where the DLL resides.
The text file includes one section for each datapipe DLL. Each DLL section
contains a query entry listing, containing the following information:
The query name and a list of the default values for the datapipe
parameters, separated by “\n”.
Note: These parameters have a one-to-one correspondence with
the datapipe query entry of the report section in the xxrpt.ini file.
8 Sage 300
Creating a Datapipe Report with Crystal Reports
Parameter values P1 through P4, which specify the default database
from which Crystal will read when designing the report form.
If a datapipe contains multiple queries, it will list all of the queries in the
datapipe.ini file. However, when you create a new Crystal datapipe report,
all queries, except for the one required for the report, must be commented
out in the datapipe.ini file.
This example shows the datapipe DLL section in the DATAPIPE.INI which is
required to create the Crystal datapipe report, GLPJCON1.rpt.
query="GLPJCON1\n0000\n999999\n \n0\n "
'query="GLPJCON3\n0000\n999999\n \n0\n "
'query="GLPJCON4\n0000\n999999\n \n0\n "
'PARAMETER 3 4 12 13
Parameters Used in Crystal Datapipe Reports
Crystal datapipe reports use the following parameter types:
Datapipe design time parameters.
Datapipe query (optional) parameters.
Datapipe Design Time Parameters
These parameters are only defined in the datapipe.ini file as they are only
required during report development.
When a user starts a datapipe report from the Sage 300 desktop, the
desktop passes information about the user’s system to the datapipe.
During development, you supply this information to Crystal in the
datapipe.ini file.
P1This parameter specifies the database ID defined in Sage 300
Database Setup, for example, SAMINC.
P2This parameter specifies the user ID, for example, ADMIN).
P3Leave this parameter value blank.
P4This parameter specifies the language code for the report, for
example, ENG.
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 9
Creating a Datapipe Report with Crystal Reports
Here is a sample entry from a datapipe.ini file, which shows the entry of
the design time parameters.
In this example, Crystal is directed to use the SAMINC database (as
defined in Sage 300 Database Setup), and to logon to the database as
user ADMIN. The report will be generated as an English-language report;
therefore, it should reside in the application’s ENG subdirectory.
Datapipe Query (Optional) Parameters
Datapipe query parameters (defined as optional parameters in the
xxrpt.ini file) are the parameters passed from the report to the datapipe
DLL. You enter these parameters in the report query.
These parameters may include:
Key ranges.
Possible sort orders.
Data that must be passed in, such as a flag to select multicurrency.
The Report Initialization (xxrpt.ini) File
The report initialization file, xxrpt.ini, defines the reports for an
application. It is divided into report name sectionsone section for each
application report.
For a report that uses datapipes, you must add the following three entries
to its report name section in the xxrpt.ini file.
This entry defines the report as a datapipe report.
datapipe path=..\
This entry tells the API where the report’s datapipe is located. As
reports are language-specific, they are stored in the application’s
language resource directory, for example GL61A\ENG.
10 Sage 300
Creating a Datapipe Report with Crystal Reports
Datapipes are stored in the application’s parent directory, for example,
GL61A, as they are not language specific. Datapipes only contain data
retrieval and calculation functionality, and the same datapipe can be
used for different language versions of the same report.
datapipe query=”<Datapipe DLL>=<Query Name>\n<parameter1>\n
… <parameterm>\n”
This entry specifies the datapipe DLL name, and the query (report or
subreport) name and parameter values used by a datapipe for the
report. Parameter values are preceded by “\n”.
Note: Use the ^ symbol to separate datapipe subreport queries.
For an example of a datapipe query which includes datapipe
subreport entries, see the datapipe query line in the [GLPJ01]
section of the GLRPT.INI file.
The following example shows the [GLBCH01] report section in the
GLRPT.INI file for the GLBCH01 Crystal datapipe report. The corresponding
datapipe DLL entry in the DATAPIPE.INI file follows.
paper size=1
datapipe path=..\
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 11
Creating a Datapipe Report with Crystal Reports
In the query line for this example, the datapipe DLL is identified as
glbch1.dll, the query name (report name) is GLBCHL01, and 13 of the 21
parameters defined for the report will be passed to the datapipe.
Parameter names begin and end with the “%” character, and are
separated by a preceding “\n”.
The parameter names are the same as those listed in the GLRPT.INI file
for the respective report. For example, %TOBATCH% substitutes the
current value of the report’s TOBATCH parameter.
If the report has datapiped subreports, then the datapipe query string
contains multiple sections separated by the “^” symbol. The datapipe DLL
name and query name in the query entry line correspond to the DLL
section name ([GLBCHL.DLL]) and the query name (GLBCHL01) defined in
the DATAPIPE.INI file, as noted below:
query="GLBCHL01\n0\n99999\n \nZZ\n20050101\n99991231\n0\n \n0\n \n1
\n0 \n0"
Creating the Datapiped Crystal Report Specification
The following example creates a standard report in Crystal Reports
version 11.
1. Open Crystal Reports and choose File, New, Standard Report to create
a new blank report using Crystal’s Standard Report Creation Wizard.
The Data page will appear.
12 Sage 300
Creating a Datapipe Report with Crystal Reports
2. Expand the Create New Connection folder in the Data window, and
then expand Database Files to open a dialog from which you can
search for the datapipe DLL file.
3. Navigate to the directory that contains the datapipe DLL file (this
directory must also contain the datapipe.ini file).
4. Click the “Files of type” drop-down list options, and select the “All
Files” option.
5. Double-click the datapipe DLL file to add it to the Database Files folder
in the Data Explorer window.
In the example below, we added the OEPICK datapipe to the report.
6. Click the Finish button to add the DLL to the report.
7. Save the report in the ENG directory for the application. (In our
example, OE61A\ENG.)
8. Change the database location as follows:
a. Select "Set Location" from the Database menu.
b. In the File location field, delete all the text after the datapipe DLL
name and precede the datapipe DLL name with “..\”. For example,
the text in the File location field for the datapipe OEPICK.DLL
should be ..\OEPICK.DLL.
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 13
Integrating Crystal Reports into Sage 300
c. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the dialog.
9. Save the report again.
10. Add the optional parameter fields defined in the xxrpt.ini file. The
name of the Crystal report parameter field should be the same as the
corresponding optional parameter field defined in the xxrpt.ini file.
11. Add groups and formula fields, as needed.
12. Complete the report design (define sections, order, and so forth).
Integrating Crystal Reports into Sage 300
There are several ways to integrate a custom Crystal report into an
existing application, you can:
Add a report to the Sage 300 Desktop as a new report object.
Record a macro and add it to the Sage 300 Desktop (so the user can
more easily enter criteria).
You can replace an existing report and use the existing report UI.
If you use a macro to start a new report, you must define your report in
the Sage 300 application’s report initialization file, xxrpt.ini. For more
information, see the following section,The Report Descriptor File.”
If you are replacing a standard Sage 300 report with a new one, you may
have to change xxrpt.ini.
14 Sage 300
Integrating Crystal Reports into Sage 300
Install the Crystal
ActiveX Report
To run a macro which displays a Crystal report from the Sage 300 Web
Desktop, the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer must have been previously
downloaded and installed on the client machine. If this viewer is not
currently installed on the client, the simplest way to initiate the download
and install process is to run a Crystal report from the Sage 300 Web
The Report Descriptor File
The report descriptor file is an ASCII file that lists the names and
parameters of all the reports in a Sage 300 application.
The report descriptor file is called xxvvv\xxRPT.INI, where xx is the two-
letter application id, and vvv is the program version. For example, the
report descriptor file for General Ledger version 6.2A would be
Standard File Format
Each report is described in a separate section. Each section begins with
the report name, and descriptor file statements follow the report name.
For example, the following section describes a picking slip in Order Entry:
paper size=1
datapipe path=..\
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 15
Integrating Crystal Reports into Sage 300
The descriptor file statements are explained in the following paragraphs:
For a datapipe report, include a type=datapipe line. Do not include in a
non-datapiped report.
heading=string resource number | "heading string"
This is the heading of the report window. It can be either the resource
number of a string in the application’s language-specific resource DLL, or
a string in quotes.
crystal=crystal file name
This required statement designates a Crystal Report. The file extension,
.rpt, is not included. The default directory for this file is the application’s
language-specific subdirectory. The default extension is .RPT. You can
include a complete path name if you want.
This specifies the default orientation for this report. It is either portrait or
paper size
paper size=paper size
This specifies the default paper size for this report. It is a number from
PRINT.H in the Windows SDK INCLUDE directory. (For example, 1 =
letter, 2 = legal, and so on.)
optparams=number of optional parameters
This optional statement identifies the number of optional parameters. (If
you omit this statement, zero is assumed.)
=option name option type list description
These statements describe the name and format of each optional
parameter. There must be the same number of optional parameters as
specified in the optparams statement.
number is the number of the optional parameter. You must include a
specification for each optional parameter. These were originally
designed to be the caret parameter number.
option name is the parameter name.
option type is the parameter type. Valid parameter types are STRING,
described later.
16 Sage 300
Integrating Crystal Reports into Sage 300
[list] is additional descriptive information in the list, given as a list of
integer values and symbolic strings, where the parameter type is LIST.
The values and strings are separated by commas; spaces are not
allowed. The symbolic strings can be either string resource numbers
for the language-specific resource DLL, or quoted strings.
description is a text resource string number or string that is used to
document the parameter during macro recording.
datapipe path
This entry tells the API where the report’s datapipe is located. Since
datapipes are not language-specific, they are placed in the application’s
parent directory. Reports, on the other hand, are language-specific, and
so, are placed in the language subdirectory of the application’s parent
directory. Set this statement to datapipe path=..\ to instruct the API to
look for the datapipe DLL in the application’s parent directory.
Do not include in a non-datapiped report.
datapipe query
This entry specifies the datapipe DLL name, and the query name and
parameter values (separated by \n) used by a datapipe for the report.
Do not include in a non-datapiped report.
Note: Use the ^ symbol to separate datapipe subreport queries.
Possible parameter types are:
Parameter Type
For a simple string.
If the parameter type is STRING, then no
additional descriptive information is given.
For mapping
a list of values to string resources. The list
consists of a set of pairs of values and string resources.
For setting the table path.
No translation is necessary,
because the database engine
uses the given table name (for
example, GLASV)
to figure out how to access the actual data.
or setting the
table path to the company’s system directory.
No translation is necessary, because the database engine
uses the given table name (for example, GLASV) to figure out
how to access the actual data.
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 17
Report Style Guidelines
Datapipe reports have the following additional statements:
For a datapipe report, include a type=datapipe line.
datapipe path
This entry tells the API where the report’s datapipe is located. Since
datapipes are not language-specific, they are placed in the application’s
parent directory. Reports, on the other hand, are language-specific, and
so, are placed in the language subdirectory of the application’s parent
directory. Set this statement to datapipe path=..\ to instruct the API to
look for the datapipe DLL in the application’s parent directory.
datapipe query
This entry specifies the datapipe DLL name, and the query name and
parameter values (separated by \n) used by a datapipe for the report.
Note: Use the ^ symbol to separate datapipe subreport queries.
Report Style Guidelines
Sage 300 uses set of report style guidelines to ensure a level of
consistency in all Sage 300 reports. The guidelines cover both external
and internal issues. Internal consistency is helpful if users or programmers
need to change report definitions.
The guidelines are:
Standard font and point size for reports is Arial 8.
The first line of the page heading contains the following three entries:
The first entry is the date and time, left-justified. The date is in
“Long Date” format. The time is formatted as h:mm AM/PM.
The second entry is the company name, centered. Size the field to
accommodate the full length of the company name.
The third entry is the page number, right-justified.
Column titles are underlined and bold.
Company name, report headings, and labels should be bold. Other text
should be regular.
The first report parameter is CMPNAMEthe company name.
The first letter of each word is capitalized in the report name and
column headings.
Report options should only be printed on the first page. The Crystal
report filename (without the .rpt extension) is always printed in
parentheses to the right of the report title.
18 Sage 300
Report Style Guidelines
The first letter of each sentence is capitalized in field labels for report
options, footers, and report body text.
Database field names are all upper case, to differentiate them from
calculated fields. Calculated field names are mixed upper and lower
For portrait-oriented reports, margins are:
Left, .75
Right, at least .35
Top, .5
Bottom, .5
For landscape-oriented reports, margins are:
Left, at least .35
Right, at least .35
Top, .75
Bottom, .5
Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal Reports 19