Universidade de
Master’s Thesis in Computer Science
An Integrated Library System on
the CERN Document Server
Joaquim Jorge Rodrigues Silvestre
Luis Arriaga da Cunha (Universidade de
Jean-Yves Le Meur (CERN IT-UDS-CDS)
April, 2010
Universidade de
Master’s Thesis in Computer Science
An Integrated Library System on
the CERN Document Server
Joaquim Jorge Rodrigues Silvestre
Luis Arriaga da Cunha (Universidade de
Jean-Yves Le Meur (CERN IT-UDS-CDS)
April, 2010
Um Sistema Integrado para Bibliotecas no CERN
Document Server
O CERN a Organiza¸ao Europeia para a Investiga¸ao Nuclear ´e um dos
maiores centros de investiga¸ao a n´ıvel mundial, respons´avel por diversas descober-
tas na ´area da f´ısica bem como na ´area das ciˆencias da computa¸ao. O CERN
Document Server, tamem conhecido como CDS Invenio, ´e um software desen-
volvido no CERN, que tem como objectivo fornecer um conjunto de ferramentas
para gerir bibliotecas digitais. A fim de melhorar as funcionalidades do CDS In-
venio foi criado um novo odulo, chamado BibCirculation, para gerir os livros (e
outros itens) da biblioteca do CERN, funcionando como um sistema integrado de
gest˜ao de bibliotecas. Esta tese descreve os passos que foram dados para atingir os
arios objectivos deste projecto, explicando, entre outros, o processo de integra¸ao
com os outros odulos existentes bem como a forma encontrada para associar
informa¸oes dos livros com os metadados do CDS Invenio.
E tamb´em poss´ıvel
encontrar uma apresenta¸ao detalhada sobre todo o processo de implementa¸ao e
os testes realizados. Finalmente, ao apresentadas as conclus˜oes deste projecto e
o trabalho a desenvolver futuramente.
Palavras-chave: CERN Document Server, Invenio, Sistema Integrado para Gest˜ao
de Bibliotecas, Biblioteca, BibCirculation;
An Integrated Library System on the CERN
Document Server
CERN – The European Organization for Nuclear Research – is one of the largest
research centres worldwide, responsible for several discoveries in physics as well as
in computer science. The CERN Document Server, also known as CDS Invenio, is
a software developed at CERN, which aims to provide a set of tools for managing
digital libraries. In order to improve the functionalities of CDS Invenio a new
module was developed , called BibCirculation, to manage books (and other items)
from the CERN library, and working as an Integrated Library System. This thesis
shows the steps that have been done to achieve the several goals of this project,
explaining, among others aspects, the process of integration with other existing
modules as well as the way to associate the information about books with the
metadata from CDS Invenio. You can also find a detailed explanation of the entire
implementation process and testing. Finally, there are presented the conclusions
of this project and ideas for future development.
Keywords: CERN Document Server, Invenio, Integrated Library System, Li-
brary, BibCirculation;
Esta tese de mestrado ´e o resultado de arios meses de trabalho, mas tal ao
teria sido poss´ıvel sem a ajuda e o apoio de arias pessoas.
Em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer ao meu orientador no CERN, Jean-
Yves Le Meur, que me escolheu para participar neste projecto, dando-me a pos-
sibilidade de conhecer uma realidade que muito me fez crescer enquanto pessoa.
Ao Tibor Simko que me deu a conhecer o projecto CDS Invenio e com o qual
troquei arias ideias acerca do meu trabalho. Aos restantos membros da sec¸ao
CDS, o meu obrigado pela forma como me receberam, em especial os meus colegas
de gabinete que sempre me ajudaram. O meu obrigado ao Samuele Kaplun, ao
Jerˆome Caffaro e ao Marko Niinimaki. Aos membros da biblioteca do CERN com
quem pude trocar arias ideias e aprender mais acerca dos sistemas de automa¸ao
de bibliotecas. Em especial, para o Jens Vigen, o Tullio Basaglia e a Anne Gentil-
Beccot, o meu muito obrigado por tudo aquilo que me ensinaram. Gostaria de
expressar tamb´em a minha gratid˜ao ao meu orientador da Universidade de
Prof. Luis Arriaga, que sempre me encorajou neste meu trabalho e me ajudou
quando estava a escrever esta tese.
A minha namorada, Ana, que sempre me apoiou com o seu carinho e amor,
nesta ´etapa em que estivemos distantes, bem como `a sua fam´ılia, em especial `a
Maria-Jo˜ao, ao Rui e `a arbara.
Finalmente, gostaria de agradecer aos meus pais, Isabel e Francisco, que sempre
me apoiaram nesta grande aventura e me ajudaram a tornar-me na pessoa que
hoje sou.
This master’s thesis is the result of several months of work, but this would not
have been possible without the help and support from several people.
In first place, I would like to thank my supervisor at CERN, Jean-Yves Le Meur,
who chose me to participate in this great project, giving me the opportunity to
discover a new reality who made me grow as a person. Also a special thank to
Tibor Simko, who guided me through CDS Invenio and with whom I exchanged
many ideas about my work. The other members of the CDS section, my thank
for the way I was received and for their friendship, especially my office colleagues
who always helped me. My thanks to Samuele Kaplun, to Jerome Caffaro and
Marko Niinimaki. To the members of the CERN library with whom I could ex-
change ideas and learn more about the library automation systems. In particular,
for Jens Vigen, Tullio Basaglia and Anne Gentil-Beccot, thank you very much for
everything you taught me. I would like also to express my gratitude to my super-
visor at the University of
Evora, Prof. Luis Arriaga, who always encouraged me
in my work and guided me when I was writing this thesis.
To my girlfriend, Ana, who always supported me with her love, when we were
distant, and her family, especially to Maria-Jo˜ao, Rui and arbara.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents, Isabel and Francisco, who always
supported me in this great adventure and helped me to become the person I am
”A problem that seems difficult may have a simple and unexpected solution.”
Martin Gardner
Resumo i
Abstract iii
Agradecimentos v
Acknowledgements vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Project Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 CERN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 CDS Invenio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 Modules Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 BibCirculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4.1 The origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4.2 Project Goals and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2 Integrated Library Systems 14
2.1 State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.1 The history of ILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.2 Integrated Library System and the Open Source . . . . . . . 31
2.2 Integrated Library Systems and Digital Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2.1 Dspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.2 Eprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.3 Fedora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.4 Greenstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.2.5 Comparison between Digital Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.3 Integrated Library Systems - Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.3.1 KOHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3.2 OpenBiblio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3.3 Emilda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3.4 PMB - PhpMyBibli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3.5 EverGreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3.6 GNUteca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.3.7 ALEPH 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.3.8 Comparison between ILSes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3 BibCirculation Development 42
3.1 Development model and strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.2 Requirements Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2.1 Understanding librarians needs and demands . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.2 Entity-Relationship (ER) Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.3 Graphical User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.2.4 Main features of BibCirculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.3.1 Technology and development tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.3.2 Interaction with the other modules of CDS Invenio . . . . . 73
3.3.3 Synchronization with ALEPH 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.4 External sources of information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.4.1 CERN LDAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.4.2 Amazon Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4 Tests and Comparative Analysis 79
4.1 Regression Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.2 Tests with Selenium - Firefox plugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.3 Deployment and tests on CDS DEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.4 Comparison with other systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5 Conclusions and further work 85
5.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.2 Further work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
References 91
A Database SQL script 94
B Request workflow: online request 99
C Retrieving data from ALEPH 100
C.1 How to retrieve holdings information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
C.2 How to retrieve loans information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
C.3 How to retrieve requests information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
C.4 How to retrieve borrowers information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
C.5 Populating BibCirculation database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
List of Figures
1.1 CERN - Meyrin Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 CERN Document Server home page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 CDS Invenio Modules Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 IBM 80 column card with rectangular holes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1 The Waterfall model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.2 OPAC of CDS Invenio searching books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.3 BibCirculation ER Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.4 Borrower interface - Holdings tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.5 Graphical user interface for library staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.6 CERN card with barcode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.7 Interface containing items informations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.8 Example of barcode present in books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.9 Collection containing ILL Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.10 MARC record of an ILL book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.11 List with ordered books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.12 Request online: detailed record of a book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.13 Returning a book from loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.14 Associate a barcode to a borrower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.15 Searching book (Admin Gui). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.16 List showing ”item on shelf with holds”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.17 Borrower details page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.18 Borrower loans details page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.19 Integration and interaction with other modules. . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.20 Example of a MARCXML record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.21 Synchronization command line tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.1 Example of Selenium test running. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
B.1 Request workflow: online request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
List of Tables
2.1 Comparison between digital libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2 Comparison between ILSes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.1 Comparison between different systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Chapter 1
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Project Context
This thesis describes the work developed at Information Technology Depart-
ment of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), for the CERN
Technical Student Programme.
During 18 months, I worked on the CERN Document Server (IT-UDS-CDS)
section, on the development of CDS Invenio, more precisely on the creation of a
new CDS Invenio module, called BibCirculation.
1.2 CERN
- The European Organization for Nuclear Research is one of the world’s
largest laboratory for scientific research [1]. Its main field of work is fundamental
physics, trying to find out what the Universe is made of and how it works. At
CERN, the most complex scientific instruments, like particle accelerators and de-
tectors, are used to study and investigate the basic constituents of matter - the
fundamental particles. By studying the collision of particles, physicists can learn
and discover more about the laws of Nature.
Founded in 1954 by 12 countries, CERN includes now 20 member states. CERN
is located near Geneva on the Franco-Swiss border, it employs 3000 persons. Also,
some 6500 visiting scientists, half of the world particle physicists, come to CERN
for their research. They represent 500 universities and over 80 nationalities. Since
1954, CERN has made several important discoveries for which scientists have been
distinguished with prestigious awards, including Nobel prizes[2].
In March 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a CERN scientist, wrote a proposal[3], to
prevent the problem of “losing information at CERN”. This proposal was the
beginning of the World Wide Web (WWW). The WWW was also originally de-
veloped as the answer to the demand for automatic information sharing, between
Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.1: CERN - Meyrin Site.
the scientific commuty working in different universities and institutes all over the
1.3 CDS Invenio
CDS Invenio
is an integrated digital library[4] system conceived and developed
at CERN, by the CERN Document Server (CDS) section, in the User and Doc-
ument Services (UDS) group. With CDS Invenio it is possible to provide the
framework and tools for building and managing an autonomous digital library
server. The development of CDS Invenio started in 1993 primarily for internal
needs as an institutional repository. From 2000, CDS Invenio provides support for
multimedia files and OAI-PHM. Nowadays, it represents a suite of applications,
used in several places outside CERN such as
Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lau-
sanne (EPFL), for general administration of documents, institutional repositories
or large-sized library system.
Formerly CDSware
Chapter 1. Introduction
CDS Invenio is available for free and licensed under the GNU General Public
(GPL). From a technical point of view, CDS Invenio runs on GNU/Unix
systems, using a MySQL database server and an Apache/Python web application
server. The software is mainly written in the Python programming language, with
some ad hoc modules and functionalities developed in Common Lisp and C.
Figure 1.2: CERN Document Server home page.
The solutions proposed by CDS Invenio cover all the management requirememts
of a digital library. It supports the Open Archives Initiative metadata harvest-
ing protocol (OAI-PMH) and uses MARC 21 as its bibliographic standard. The
flexibility and the performance of CDS Invenio, make it a attractive and realable
solution for the management of document repositories of moderate to large size.
At CERN, CDS Invenio responsable for the management of over 1 million bib-
liographic records and 500000 fulltext documents, serving 20000 users per month
and issuing over than 8000 queries per day. CDS Invenio is not only running at
Chapter 1. Introduction
CERN. Currently, it is installed and in use by over a dozen scientific institutions
all over the world.
1.3.1 Modules Overview
CDS Invenio is composed by several modules (figure 1.3), having each one a
specific functionality. Modules may have different prefixes, in their names. In
general, the prefix “Bib” is used for modules related with bibliographic data and
the prefix “Web” is related with modules who work more with the web interface.
BibCheck allows to administrators and cataloguers to automate a variety
of tests on the metadata to see whether the metadata comply with quality
standards. This offers also the possibility to fixe some kind of errors.
BibClassify permits the automatic extraction of keywords from fulltext
documents. The extraction process is based on the frequency of specific each
terms, who are taken from a controlled vocabulary.
BibConvert permits metadata conversion from any structured or semi-
structured proprietary format into any other format. This conversion is
typically to MARC XML
, that is natively used in CDS Invenio.
BibEdit allows the edition of metadata via a web interface.
BibFormat is responsible for the formatting of the bibliographic metadata,
having several types of outputs.
BibHarvest represents the OAi-PMH compatible harvester. It allows the
repository to gather metadata from other OAi-compliant repositories and is
also in charge for OAi-PMH repository management.
BibIndex is in charge of the indexation of metadata, references and full text
BibMatch permits the input filtering of XML files, avoiding doubly-inputted
Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.3: CDS Invenio Modules Overview.
Chapter 1. Introduction
BibRank permits to set up a variety of ranking criteria that will be used
later by the search engine.
BibSched is the central unit of CDS Invenio. It allows all other modules
to access the bibliographic database in a controlled way, preventing sharing
violation threats and assuring the coherent execution of the database update
BibUpload permits to load the new bibliographic data into the database.
ElmSubmit is an email submission gateway who permits automatic docu-
ment uploads from trusted sources via email.
MiscUtil is a collection of miscellaneous utilities that can be used by the
other modules.
WebAccess is the module in charge for granting access to users, in order to
perform various actions within the system.
WebAlert permits, to the end user, the reception of alert messages, each
time a new document matching his personal criteria is inserted into the
WebBasket enables the end user to store the documents who he is inter-
ested, in a personal basket or a personal shelf.
WebComment provides a community-oriented tool to rank documents by
the readers or to share comments on the documents.
WebHelp shows user-level, admin-level and hacker-level documenation on
CDS Invenio.
WebMessage permits the communication between users via web message
WebSearch handles user requests to search for a certain words or phrases
in the database.
Chapter 1. Introduction
WebSession is a session and user management module that allows to dif-
ferentiate users.
WebStat is system that allows to get statistics about the health of the
server, the general usage of the system and some other particular system
WebStyle permits to define the look and feel of CDS Invenio pages.
WebSubmit is a submission system, that permits authorized individuals
(authors, secretaries and repository maintenance staff) to submit individual
documents into the system.
1.4 BibCirculation
In this section, I will explain what is this new module of CDS Invenio called
BibCirculation. I will also explain the origin and the ideas behind its creation and
what was my role, in this project. Finally, I will give a overview about the goals
of this new module.
1.4.1 The origin
When I started this project, it was proposed to me, to created a new module for
CDS Invenio. My job was to create and develop, several functionalities for this new
module from scratch. I was responsible for all the process of development, from
the requirements analysis until the ”production”. The idea for this project was to
find a way to manage all the physical items of the CERN library and automate
several library functions. I was told that there was already a software used for
this purpose. The software used by the CERN library was ALEPH 500. It is a
librarian software very popular and used world wide. When I arrived at CERN,
all the library functions were manage by ALEPH 500, but there was a link with
CDS Invenio. The Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) was provided by CDS
Invenio. That means when a borrower wanted to request, for example, a book,
the process was started in CDS Invenio, in the collection ”Books” or in the main
Chapter 1. Introduction
search interface. And in the result list it was possible to select a link ”CERN
Library copies” and see all the available copies. The process was finished with the
register of the new request in ALEPH 500.
This type of situations was quite common. For example, to search for a book
or an article, the best way to do it was using the search engine provided by CDS
Invenio (witch is quite good and efficient). But the process request was treated
by ALEPH 500. Several librarian functions, like lending books, were managed by
ALEPH 500. The usage of two different application for the same process, was not
very efficient and it was common to have problem with consistence of the data. It
was necessary to keep always the information of both system synchronized.
To avoid all these situations, it was decided, by the CDS section, to created
a new module in CDS Invenio. This new module should be able to automate
several functions, avoid all these synchronization procedures and being perfectly
integrated with the other modules of CDS Invenio. The idea was to provide library
automation tools, like the tools that is possible to find in an Integrated Library
System (ILS). CDS Invenio would be a digital library who would able to provide
the functionalities of an ILS. This was the beginning of BibCirculation. But why
BibCirculation? It was a strange name... Indeed, but it was following the same
rule as the other modules of CDS Invenio. And what about Circulation. Well...
Circulation systems are one of the earliest examples of the application of data
processing technologies in libraries. Circulation is the process that involves, in
first place, the relation between borrowers and books (these two entities are the
most relevant in a Circulation system) and, in second place, the status of mentioned
pair in the system. Circulation is one of the most common modules provided by
an ILS. This module was created with the intent of automate all the tasks involved
in the lending of material to borrowers (also called patrons). This type of module
must offer a very simple and efficient ways to deal with routine transaction like
loans, renewals, overdue notifications and returns.
A circulation modules usually has a database to manage information about book-
sAlso called items or holdings and borrowers. Often, they provide also the ability
Chapter 1. Introduction
to register new items when items (books, articles, etc...) are not already available
on the system. Many libraries impose fines when materials are not returned on
schedule. It is common to have circulation modules verifying and managing fine
accumulations, payments, creating notices and performing related functions. The
requirements of a circulation modules are not always the same, they change from
library to library. For example, academic libraries often need the possibility to
manage a set of books placed on reserve for a course, imposing rules much more
strict in terms of loan period. Public libraries usually have to deal with a much
heavier volume of transactions. Circulation modules have to process, usually, a
high volume of operations. To become the job of library staff easier, these systems
have specialized input, like barcode readers to scan information without need to
1.4.2 Project Goals and Overview
BibCirculation is new module of CDS Invenio, developed during this project,
completely from scratch. Like all the other modules of CDS Invenio, the new
BibCirculation module will be embedded in the Open Source spirit. More precisely,
behind the creation and the development of BibCirculation there was three main
1. Create a new integrated module, using all the advantages of CDS
Invenio such as a powerful search engine and treatment of metadata, in
order to be used by the CERN Library. BibCirculation should be able to
respond to all the needs and demands of the CERN library, automating
several operations and bringing new solutions and features to improve the
services provided by the CERN library.
2. Provide association between books information and metadata. This
association is extremely important. It will be possible to search for a book,
not only based on the bibliographic data, stored in the medata, but using
also a new type of relevant information such as the due date of a book, its
status or even its single barcode.
Chapter 1. Introduction
3. Make CDS Invenio an application more attractive and interesting
for new potential users/clients. With this new module, CDS Invenio
can explore new areas and ’markets’. The addition of such kind of tool, can
increase the popularity on CDS Invenio and become a reference in the Open
Source context.
More specifically, in terms of implementation, BibCirculation should also:
Provide an efficient and user-friendly GUI, for library staff and
borrowers. This aspect is extremely important, because it can represents
the difference between the acceptance and the rejection of an application. If
the GUI is not good enough, our software won’t be selected, because it won’t
be attractive in terms of design and usability.
Permit the management of borrowers, items, vendors and libraries.
BibCirculation has to provide a full set of functionalities like search for bor-
rower, item or library; add a new borrower, item or library, update infor-
mation, recall an item and notify a borrower (providing also a full list of
Allow the management of requests and loans. In order to achieve
this objective, a new set of features has to be developed, such as create new
request or loan, cancel a request or a loan, return a loan and check for new
request, recall a loan, change due date of a loan, provide a daemon to send
overdue letters and detect expired loans;
Provide lists with requests and loans overview. It is important to
know, at any moment, the current status of a library, in terms of loans
or requests. For this, BibCirculation will provide different types of lists
showing the current loans, the expired/overdue loans, all the items on shelf
with request and all the items on loan with request;
Provide historical information about requests and loans. This kind
of information is important, because with it, we can see what are the books
with more requests, with the biggest number of renewals, etc.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Migrate and integrate all the circulation data from ALEPH 500.
For an internal use at CERN, it is important to provide to BibCirculation
all the data contained on ALEPH 500, because this data is important for
the library staff. To achieve this goal, it will be necessary to create a set of
tools to migrate and integrate all the information.
Provide support for acquisitions and ILL. Acquisitions and ILL are
usually in separated modules. But since most of the relevant information
to acquisitions and ILL will be in BibCirculation, all these library functions
will be in the same module of CDS Invenio. It is important to have a tool
to track and manage acquisitions. BibCirculation should be able to do such
thing. In the case of ILL, it would be good to have a tool with support for
the Z39.50 protocol. Nowadays, its not used by the CERN Library, but it
will be always an advantage the development of this feature.
Provide a complete documentation for library staff. A correct and
explicit documentation is always significant in the adoption of a new appli-
1.5 Structure
This section describes the organization and the structure of the present thesis.
Chapter 1 explains the context where was developed all the project and gives
a small explanation about what is CERN and its main fields of work. In the
Chapter 1 gives also general overview about CDS Invenio and its modules. Finally,
it presents the ideas and the goals behind the creation of BibCirculation.
Chapter 2 gives a global overview about what it is an Integrated Library System
(ILS), presenting also historical aspects and shows the evolution of ILS since the
60’s until nowadays. It presents also a section about digital libraries and their
relation with ILS. In this second chapter, I talk about the use of open source ILSes
and their advantages, and finally, I give a general overview about several ILSes
Chapter 1. Introduction
On the Chapter 3 it is shown all the different stages of the development of
BibCirculation, since the requirements analysis until the technologies and tools
used for the implementation. In the end, Chapter 3 presents external sources of
information used for the conception of BibCirculation.
Chapter 4 presents all the all tests done after the implementation of BibCir-
culation. It describes also the different approach used in terms of tests such as
regression tests and integration tests. Finally, it shows the comparison between
BibCirculation and its features, and other ILS.
Chapter 5 presents the conclusions of this project and the further work who
should be done in order to become BibCirculation a more complete, competitive
and mature tool, for library management.
Chapter 2
Integrated Library Systems
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
In this chapter, I will give an explanation about what is a Integrated Library
System. There will be a section about the state of art and an historical perspective
about the creation and the evolution of Integrated Library Systems, in the last
50 years. There is also a section about the difference between Integrated Library
Systems and Digital Libraries, to avoid misunderstanding about these type of
applications. And finally an overview and comparison between different types of
Integrated Library Systems and Digital Libraries.
2.1 State of the Art
An Integrated Library System
(ILS), is an application system for a public and
academic libraries. An ILS is planned, conceived and developed to coordinate and
automate several library functions, and also represent and register all the library
operations. Usually each function of an ILS, is associate to a specific module[6].
There are several examples of modules. In the following list, you can see the most
1. Circulation used to register lending/receiving of materials from borrowers;
2. Acquisitions used to register ordering, receiving and invoicing materials.
Claim and cancel late orders and material not received;
3. Cataloging create records for new material. Used for classifying and
indexing materials;
4. OPAC provide public interface for users;
5. Serials used for tracking magazine and newspaper holdings;
6. ILL used for interlibrary loans, supporting Z39.50 protocol
Or Library Management System (LMS). There are different names for this specific kind of
application. Some authors call them Integrated Library Management System (ILMS).
Protocol for information retrieval from Bibliographic Databases.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
For library staff, integrated library systems are very welcome. This type of
application improves the efficiency of all the operations in a library. This kind of
software has many advantages because it permits not only the control of library
operations such as loans and requests, but it provides also an excellent set of
tools to manage books and borrowers. The usage of an integrated library system,
usually, requires only a single time entry of data (bibliographic and users).
2.1.1 The history of ILS
To understand what has become an Integrated Library System, we should look
to the last 50 years. During the last five decades, many improvements have been
done. Sometimes adapting existent technology or even creating new solutions
and giving a step further. The evolution of Integrated Library Systems is quiet
impressive and plenty of remarkable achievements.
1960’s - Experimental systems
In the beginning of the 1960s, many libraries, specially in the United Kingdom
and in the United States began to experiment the use of computers to treat and
help in the processing of information. The majority of these systems had his origin
in the eighty-column punched card
data processing systems.
Figure 2.1: IBM 80 column card with rectangular holes[11].
Card designed by IBM in 1928[12].
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
Those pioneer systems were created by Herman Hollerith[13], in order to aid
in the processing of information from the 1890 US Census. But, the idea behind
the creation of these cards was given to Hollerith by Dr Billings[14], at this time,
librarian of the Library of the Surgeon’s General Office.
Nowadays, it’s possible to find some articles, or even stories, about the beginning
of the usage of processing data systems in libraries. On these documents, it’s usual
to find also some interesting memories[8] as you can see below:
“When I first started working in libraries, we had a punched card system at
Exeter City Library, Castle Street. I left in 1969, but I remember the clunky sorting
machine which needed a room of its own (a small room!). It was an innovative
system at the time.”
In 1968, Dr Ralph Halsted Parker[5], professor at the University of Missouri, was
one of the pioneers in library mechanization systems. He used for the first time,
the term ”Library Information Systems”. For him Library Information Systems
was not only the automation of existing library procedures, such as circulation or
cataloging, but also providing access to materials held electronically even by other
libraries and information centers all over the world.
In the United Kingdom, Rollo Woods was one of the first people involved with
computer systems in the university sector at Southampton University. A paper
about the use of an ICT 1907[15] computer for the loans system at Southamp-
ton University was the first paper to be published in the journal Program: news
of computers in British university libraries when it was launched in 1966. This
journal was founded by Richard Kimber and in the first issue, he noted that:
“A new have of enthusiasm is sweeping the world of libraries in Britain. Librari-
ans see that it is possible to use computers for most clerical operations in libraries.
As a result of the recent Flowers report, more computing machinery will be in-
stalled in British universities, and librarians are anxious to stake claims for shares
in increased computer time, which will therefore become available... The purpose
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
of Program is to assist librarians in learning about what is the beginning to be done
in this field, to provide a medium for discussion of the problems involved, and to
help establish direct personal contact between those working in similar directions.”
At the same time, at Newcastle University, Maurice Line was involved, with
some colleagues, on the development of an new acquisitions system using a KDF9
computer. The work done by Maurice Line in those times and his involvement
with other computer systems at Bath University Library and the British Library,
are available in a paper written for the fortieth volume of Program: electronic
library and information systems.
In the 1960’s, also the Liverpool University, worked hard this area, specially
on the development of a “machine-readable catalog”. This new system was able to
find a list containing different types of information such as scientific periodicals,
medical periodicals and technical periodicals held in twenty-eight libraries.
In this decade, not only academic libraries were changing and improving their
way of work. Several changes were also taking place in the public libraries. An
example of this change, was the reorganization of the London boroughs, in 1964.
This change provided the opportunity to review several systems used to deal with
loans, and also gave the possibility to merge several forms of library catalogs.
Between 1965 and 1968, Camden Public Libraries produced a catalog on line-
printer paper with input on eighty-column punched cards (with two cards per
title). At this time, the other major public library involved in this experimental
phase was West Sussex. The work developed by this public library which involved
the services of the computer firm, Elliott Automation, who was encharged by the
development of a catalog and a location index.
In those early days, there were many challenges and problems to solve for those
who were working on the first computer-based systems:
Computers were large and expensive and were owned by the parent authority;
Programmers were required to write the appropriate software for each appli-
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
Programs were often written in machine-code language, i.e. the specific
computer language for the particular computer, as general programming lan-
guages, such as Algol, Basic, COBOL, Fortran, were all new;
The computer technology of those days was not always appropriate for the
Computer developers thought they knew what library staff required;
Library staff were not always too sure about what was possible and adequate.
1970’s - Local Systems
During the 1970s, integrated library systems were often mentioned as ”library
automation systems” or ”automated systems”. Those systems have been part
of several university computing systems and sometimes they were seen as ”old
As we saw, in the previous section, before the emancipation of computers,
academic and public libraries were using a card catalog to index their holdings.
Computers were very important and useful in order to automate several tasks,
like keeping up-to-date the card catalog, validate the checking out and checking
in of books, generating statistics and reports, managing the acquisitions and the
subscriptions, indexing journal articles and providing interlibrary loans.
In this decade, there were several libraries beginning to use computer systems
successfully. There were many reasons for the increase of the usage of this kind of
Improvement of computer technology and the rise of minicomputers which
could be purchased by the libraries;
Research and development was increased in this new area;
Improvement of the communication between librarians and software devel-
Improvements on the system design and management.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
Also in the 1970s, the Office for Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
started to fund research work in this area. The Library of the Southampton
University received financial support from OSTI for its developments and it became
also the home for the OSTI-funded Library Automation Officer.
In 1971, among several contributions from this officer, one of the most impor-
tant was the publication of a new journal in the field of computer-based library
systems called Vine: very informal newsletter. Between 1973 and 1974, OSTI
continued to fund several projects. It spent 762,900 on grants and contracts on
computer-related library and information research projects.
With the creation of new library systems, also new and different approaches were
developed. For instance, a basic feature of any computer-based circulation system
is to record details about the item on loan and details about who has the item
loaned. In the United States, eighty-column punched cards were often used for this
purpose. Instead, in the United Kingdom appropriate equipment was developed
to provide the possibility to register unique numbers for specific copies of books
and for borrowers.
In early 1970s, there was two major manufacturers, that had emerged in market
of library automation systems, Automated Library Systems (ALS) and Plessey. In
1967, the first ALS system, was developed and marketed by Frank Gurney. This
first ALS system was installed at West Sussex County Library, containing details
of book numbers and borrower numbers punched on to cards. The information
contained in the cards was read automatically by a reader, provided for this pur-
pose, at the issue counter. Then the information was copied on to a reel of punched
paper tape which was then physically transported to a computer for processing.
In 1971, at Sussex University was installed the first ”trapping store” system.
This system was an electronic storage device capable of holding book numbers.
With this system, requested books could be ”trapped” on their return to the
ALS went on with the idea of create and develop an alternative to the card-
based system. The result was a label-based system which comprised a non-metallic
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
label mounted in the back of a book. At this time, Plessey had also introduced
in the market some new products. The Plessey Library Pen system was the first
light-pen based system used in libraries for reading barcoded labels placed in the
books and on borrower cards.
In 1972, Camden Public Libraries installed a Plessey system at the Kentish
Town branch and other public libraries at Luton, Oxford and Sutton were also early
adopters of this system. Some libraries developed very complex numbering systems
to enable analyses to be made of stock issues as well as by type of borrowers. For
accurate recording of who had what out it was necessary to ensure that the numbers
read by these various devices were absolutely accurate and to aid this each number
had a Modulus -11 check digit as its last digit.
In the 1970’s, there was three ways[9] in which information was processed by a
computer system:
Batch processing where jobs to be carried out by the computer were
processed one after another. In this way, there was a linear flow through
the system and one job was finished before another was started. This way
of processing was suitable for library jobs such as catalog production, pro-
duction of order notes to send to booksellers, or listing periodicals held in a
Online processing and time sharing where a member of the library
staff would communicate directly with the computer via a teletypewriter (or
similar machine) and the computer would ”share its time” between several
online terminals.
Remote job entry which was a linking of batch and online processing
as an online terminal would be used to enter a job into a queue of jobs
to be batch processed by the computer. This method saved the physical
transportation of data from the library as an electronic link could be made
via a suitable network connection.
In the 1970’s, the major development that affected computer-based catalog sys-
tems was the creation of MARC (machine-readable cataloging). The birth of
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
MARC is frequently associate to a report about automation of the Library of
Congress (LC) in 1963. This report concluded that the bibliographic system within
the Library of Congress could be automated in ten years. After the decision of
OSTI to finance the development of machine-readable bibliographic record, there
was close collaboration between the British National Bibliography (BNB) and the
LC in the creation and development of this bibliographic format. Between 1968
and 1974, experimental magnetic tapes holding standardized bibliographic records
in the MARC format, about items published in the UK, were available and some
twenty libraries received them. In 1974, the BNB had become the British Library
Bibliographic Services Division and a number of services based on MARC records
were provided. A software package known as MERLIN[8] was under development
within the British Library for online book ordering and acquisitions, lending and
cataloguing using MARC.
In the end of the decade, a large number of local computer systems developed
in libraries were changing, mainly with the help of funds from OSTI. The idea was
to create co-operative systems where it would be possible to share resources. In
the 1970s, there was several examples of successful library management systems,
using typically separate applications for different goal, such as cataloging, circu-
lation control and serials control. But there were spotted also problems like the
Hardware failure of hardware suppliers to provide the necessary items in
working conditions, with the agreed time-scale, the agreed price and being
appropriate for their particular function;
Software several problems found when software was not adequately de-
signed, implemented, tested and documented;
People the computer systems for the library may not have been designed
with the real needs of the library’s users. There was also examples of lack
of communication between computer developers and library staff, and also
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
between the person in the library involved with the new computer system
and the rest of the library staff who may not have been so interested in the
new system;
Financial inadequate financial resources for acquiring appropriate hard-
ware, developing software, educating and training staff, planning, designing
and implementing system were all possible problem for libraries.
1980’s - Turnkey Systems
By the end the of the 1970s and early 1980s there was several developments
in terms of computer hardware with minicomputers, specially from manufacturers
such as the Digital Equipment Corporation
, Hewlett Packard, Prime and Texas
Instruments as well as microcomputers like Apple, Commodore PET
and the IBM
. In general there was a great decrease in the physical size of this hardware,
an increase in processing speeds and storage capacity as well as a decrease in cost.
A particular development resulting from this was the rise of what were known as
turnkey systems where the hardware and the software was supplied as an integrated
package. Such solutions became common particularly for circulation control
systems. The advantages offered included:
Little expertise required on the part of the library staff;
Usually a firm contract price and a predictable delivery date;
Control of the computer system is within the library;
More chance of reliable performance as the system would have been tried
and tested elsewhere.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
Some of the turnkey stand-alone systems were developed by the co-operatives,
some by the organizations involved with data collection devices and some by com-
puter compa- nies. Many of these turnkey systems provided a short entry catalogue
so that a link could be made between the number of an item being loaned and
some bibliographic data for that item. Examples of producers of turnkey systems
ALS the ALS System 5 was a turnkey system which was first used in
Derbyshire County Library in 1979 and subsequently in Hertfordshire County
BLCMP the BLCMP developed a stand-alone turnkey system known as
CIRCO. Loanable items were usually labelled with Telepen bar-codes and the
bibliographic record was a subset of the full MARC record. The first CIRCO
system was installed at the City of London’s Barbican centre in 1982 with
further systems being installed at the polytechnic libraries of Manchester,40
Middlesex and Portsmouth.
CLSI the US firm, CL Systems Inc., developed a system known as the
LIBS 100 which, by the early 1980s, was being used in about 450 libraries in
Canada, Northern Europe and the US. Coventry City Library and Coventry
(Lanchester) Polytechnic wished to implement a joint turnkey system in the
1980s and Manson describes the LIBS 100 system that was implemented
Geac the Geac Computer Corporation of Canada developed a turnkey
system which was first used at the university libraries of Guelph and Waterloo
in Canada in 1977. Several librar- ies in the UK decided to implement a Geac
system in the early 1980s and Young and Stone describe the replacement of
the ALS card-based system at Sussex University Library with a Geac system.
Plessey in late 1980 Plessey launched its stand-alone turnkey system,
known as the Module 4 library management system, having tested a pro-
totype at Calgary Public Library in Canada in the late 1970s. Kent County
Library in the UK installed a module 4 system for use in its twenty-six
branches in 1982.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
With the turnkey systems described previously it was possible for users to search
in the library’s catalog database in order to verify if a desired item was held in
the library. In these systems, the user was informed about the location of the
desired book and if the catalog system was linked to the circulation system (as
many were), the user would know if the book was currently available for loan or
These first generation OPACs were often mentioned as ”phrase indexed” or
pre-coordinate OPACs. They provided access via author, title (as a phrase), or
class mark in a way similar to the COM fiche catalogs of the 1970s.
Derived, or acronym, keys were also used as a search mechanism or a combi-
nation of author/title information might be used. These OPACs were good when
searching for a known item (i.e. when the author and/or title was known). The
next generation of OPACs were based on the information retrieval techniques de-
veloped by the online search services, such as Dialog, in the 1970s and were also
known as keyword or post-coordinate OPACs.
Access points of this second generation of OPACs were words from the title,
subject headings or author fields. Search statements could be compiled by linking
the search terms using boolean operators. Some models of the second generation
of OPACs had two levels of user interaction: a simple one for inexperienced or
novice searchers and another more advanced for more experienced searchers.
OPAC’s became very popular in libraries. A special edition of Program, in
1986, was dedicated to OPACs and included papers with relevant developments
in Australia, North America as well as in various libraries in the UK. This edition
provided also a general overview of online catalogs and user reactions to them.
The major development associated to OPACs in the 1980’s was the creation,
by the Computer Board for the Universities and Research Councils, in 1984, of
the UK’s Joint Academic Network (JANET). Using this network it was possible to
search an OPAC remotely. It was produced a booklet giving details about OPACs
in the UK that were available via JANET. This booklet was updated periodically
in the 1980’s, at Sussex University Library.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
Since the early 1980’s, microcomputers had been used in libraries. A series
of six papers about the usage of microcomputer in the library was published in
the journal The Electronic Library (which was released in 1983 and published by
Learned Information in Oxford). The fifth of these series was about the usage of
microcomputers for circulation control and serials control. At this time, the basic
requirements for any library management system to be described as ”integrated”
Provide consistency and integrity of data across all applications. For exam-
ple, changes of data in a catalogue record would be reflected in the databases
supporting the circulation and acquisitions systems;
Transaction, such as placing an order or recording a loan should update the
”status” of the item which would be viewed through the OPAC;
There should be easy to move between the different functions of the system.
In 1986, a buyer’s guide about integrated library management systems was pro-
duced by Juliet Leeves. This guide was compiled under the ”sponsor” of the
Centre for Catalogue Research at Bath University with funding from the British
Library Research and Development Department
(BLRDD) and in collaboration
with the Library Technology Centre
(LTC) from the Polytechnic of Central Lon-
don. The LTC had been established in 1982, with funding from the BLRDD, with
the followings purposes:
provide demonstrations of the wide range of software systems that might be
used in the libraries;
answer specific enquiries and provide advice for library staff;
run relevant workshops and seminars;
disseminate information via the journals Vine (which it had taken over from
Southampton University) and Library Micromation News.
the successor of OSTI.
later known as the Library and Information Technology Centre (LITC)
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
By the end of the 1980’s, integrated library management systems were available
for a variety of housekeeping function using different types of computer, including
microcomputers. These systems typically provide modules for:
Cataloguing materials (some of them using MARC records imported from
an external source);
Providing access to the catalogue for users OPAC;
Circulation control;
Acquisitions and order processing;
Serials control (possibly);
Interlibrary loans (possibly)
From 1990s until nowadays...
Since the end of 1980’s, several improvements have been done on the area of
Integrated Library Systems, specially in terms of usability. Instead of having
separate applications, for different tasks, library staff can use a single application
with multiple functional modules. During the 1990’s, emerged the linkage between
bibliographic citations and the content of what they represent.
With the growing up of the WWW, ILS vendors offered more web-based func-
tionalities. ILS systems has now available web-based portals where borrowers can
log in to view their account, renew their loans and be authenticated to use online
In one of the first papers about ILS to be published during the 1990’s, in the UK,
J.A. Arfield[8] describes the environment at Reading University Library and wish
to ”turn-off” a system shared between different libraries and move to an integrated
library system, controlled locally. Reading University Library was a member of
which provided shared cataloguing and circulation services to several
academic libraries in the UK since 1979.
originally standing for the South Western Academic Libraries Cooperative Automation
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
However, equipment was becoming very unreliable and staff at Reading Univer-
sity Library felt that the SWALCAP service was unable to support the increasing
number of terminals that were necessary for the users. This situation was repli-
cated in other academic and public libraries in the beginning of the 1990’s. Many
libraries moved over, or migrated, to integrated library management systems. The
decline in the number of customers of the shared services resulted in the decision
by SLS (SWALCAP Library Services) to withdraw this service.
Most ILS are now integrated system. The data is only held once by the system
and is available to be used by all modules and functions. This procedure has
an obvious advantage, the result of searching with an OPAC, can inform the user
about the number of copies of each title who are held by the library, where they are
located, if they are out on loan or not, and if so when they should be returned. The
libraries in the beginning of the 1990’s, academic or public, dealt primarily with
printed materials such as books, reports, scholarly journals and with ”non-book”
materials such as films, videos and CDs.
However, by the end of the 1990’s the huge impact of the Internet and the World
Wide Web meant that staff in libraries were involved not only in the management
of collections stored physically in shelfs of their library but were also involved in
providing access to a very large range of digital information sources with potential
relevance to their users. This mixture of providing access to printed material and
digital collections was referred as an hybrid library.
At this time, for many library staff, ILS were their first experiences with com-
puters. In order to learn how to use these new system, library staff had to follow a
training ”Information and Communications Technology”. This training was part
of Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) in the UK s academic libraries. With
this programme, library staff became more qualified to work with ILS.
For majority of the libraries the big challenge related with ILS was not neces-
sarily the choice of a new system, but the migration from one system to another
one. Graeme Muirhead explain on his book ”Planning and implementing successful
system migration” a number of case studies written by library staff from different
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
types of libraries, describing their experiences about system migration[20].
By the end of the 1990’s, various improvements had been done in the automa-
tion of library operations. The following list shows some of the most relevant
achievements[21] in the development of ILS in the 1990’s:
Technological developments It was common for the first ILS to be
developed with their own operating systems. However, during this decade
several suppliers decided to change their strategy and started to create and
develop systems that ran on Unix. Commonly, like for the case of operating
systems, several of the first ILS were designed with a database management
systems, only for their own. During the 1990’s, there was a move away
from these development strategies to relational database management sys-
tems. Examples of this are Ingres (used by Galaxy 2000), Informix (used by
Unicorn), Oracle (used by ALEPH and Olib) and Sybase (used by Horizon
and Talis). Also in the 1990’s, there was another relevant development: the
adoption of the client-server architecture by ILS. We this new model it was
possible to split operations between client and server, improving the quality
of ILS.
Self service The installation of self-issue and self-renewal machines in
libraries was one of the most relevant development, during the decade of the
1990’s. With these machines it was possible for borrowers to check in and
check out their own books. 3M developed this type of systems, and one of
these first system was installed in the library at the University of Sunderland.
For the successful implementation of this system, it was fundamental four
P’s: preparation, publicity, position and persuasion[22]. A edition of Vine
was published in 1997 about the usage of self-service systems in libraries. At
this time, library staff accepted the benefits of the new system. On busy days
queues had reduced quietly. However, when it was normal day, a quiet day,
borrowers preferred the human approach to issuing and returning materials.
Messages to users by e-mail or text With the growing of the web and
some web-based technologies, many borrower started to have access to email.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
So several ILS manufacturer decided to incorporate on their systems, the
possibility to notify borrowers, using these new technologies. This use very
useful for sending overdue letters, alerts about reserved books or other type
of information. One of the first ILS to provide this functionality was ALEPH
500, witch had the possibility to store several address, in the borrower record,
including e-mail address.
Improvement of accessibility via the OPAC and use of the Z39.50
protocol The design of OPAC’s has always been done focused on final
users, borrowers. During the 1990’s, the development went from menu-based
systems to forms filled in web pages. All these developments have been in-
tended to be straightforward to use. To improve the efficiency of OPAC’s,
specially when a search was perform, it was necessary to find a solution.
The answer was MARC. The 856 field of MARC allows the inclusion of a
URL into the bibliographic record. By the end of the 1990’s some OPACs
were using this to provide links to digital objects. Another important de-
velopment related to OPAC’s was the Z39.50 protocol. By the definition of
Dempsey[23] it is ”a retrieval protocol which allows client programs to query
databases on remote servers, to retrieve results and to carry out some other
retrieval-related functions”. This protocol is quiet common in libraries. It
allows to shared material between several libraries, in order to respond to
the borrowers demand.
Catalogue record provision The majority of ILS provide the possibility
to import of bibliographic records, usually in MARC format, records from
external sources. Although not all ILS use MARC format for internal pro-
cessing of records. Usually, in these cases, they include the possibility to
input or output records in MARC format. In the UK, some cooperatives
of libraries developed large databases containing MARC records. Many of
these records have now been incorporated into the OCLC database in the
US and made available internationally.
As conclusion of this section, it is possible to say:
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
“Today’s ILS is a multi-function Web-based multimedia content information man-
agement system, generally built on a standard relational database structure. While
the system architecture remains grounded in bibliographic citations presented via
structured indexes, the basis of these indexes is moving beyond the MARC
designed for text information to include metadata descriptions for multiple digital
file formats and content”[7].
2.1.2 Integrated Library System and the Open Source
An ILS can be considered as key piece in terms of infrastructure in a library[24].
It offers to libraries the possibility to provide a catalog and also manage several
workflows, related with the different operations present in libraries. Libraries are
constrained in the amount of investment they can make on new systems. The mar-
ketplace is dominated by a restricted number of major vendors and once acquired,
systems are retained for a considerable period. Although few would characterize
their current automation system as perfect, libraries rarely leave current systems
out of dissatisfaction with support or functionality. Migrations are just too costly.
Library system companies pulled out all stops to retain customers and entice them
to migrate to their replacement systems. These replacement systems need to offer
tools to both help manage the electronic content they purchase and create content
from digital products.
Whilst vendors are trying to change their systems to meet these demands there
is also a questioning about whether one ILMS can offer all these functions. Cer-
tainly add-on products are increasing in their use. Integration, metasearching,
open source software and the Internet are all pushing the ILS in new directions.
Investment in standalone products for linking and digital management accounted
for nearly 13ILS market, in 2002[24].
Nowadays, with all the economical and financial problems all over the world,
the open source software can be a viable and efficient solution, in several areas of
The MARC formats are standards for the representation and communication of bibliographic
and related information in machine-readable form. See
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
our society. In the case of libraries management, for those who have budgetary
constraints, it is possible to find a complete open source alternative, available for
all types of operating systems. Although, even using open source software, libraries
may have to spend some money on training staff in how to use this new kind of
technologies, or sometimes they may need to hire a developer to implement some
specifics requirements. In overall, a library can save money, in terms of software
costs and licensing fees.
Several public libraries have been investigating ”open source” ILSes. However,
the percentage of libraries that would seriously consider implementing an open
source ILS is still small. Nowadays, it is difficult to say exactly how many li-
braries are using an open source ILS. Several libraries that have downloaded the
software don’t to use it. The number of libraries and consortia that have selected
open source ILS software is estimated at more than 500 worldwide. Part of these
libraries have contracted a commercial company for support services. The moti-
vation of libraries to consider an open source ILS has two big reasons. First, the
financial interest and the possibility to reduce the charges with the maintenance
of this kind of application. Second, the desire to have a system more close to their
2.2 Integrated Library Systems and Digital Li-
It is common, for some people, to confuse Integrated Library Systems with Dig-
ital Libraries. This kind of confusion happens specially, when an ILS is mentioned
as a Library Management System (LMS). A Digital Library is a type of infor-
mation retrieval systems, typically used to manage collections of documents in a
digital format. CDS Invenio, Greenstone, Dspace and Eprints, among others, are
examples of digital libraries.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
According with the Digital Library Federation
, ”Digital libraries are organiza-
tions that provide the resources, including the specialized staff, to select, structure,
offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of, and en-
sure the persistence over time of collections of digital works so that they are readily
and economically available for use by a defined community or set of communities”.
With the development of BibCirculation, CDS Invenio will become an applica-
tion 2 in 1, being a digital library providing, at the same time, ILS functions, like
we have nowadays, for example, in Greenstone. This can be a big advantage for
CDS Invenio in comparison with other digital library softwares. To have a better
idea about digital libraries, let’s take a look to some examples.
2.2.1 Dspace
In the open source community, DSpace is a very popular system for digital li-
braries. It is written in Java and JSP, using the Java servlet API and supporting
PostgreSQL and Oracle. The development of Dspace was started by the Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Hewlett-Packard. The first release
of Dspace was in 2002. The development and error reporting are hosted by Source-
Forge ( Nowadays, there are several universities and institutions,
from countries all over the world, giving their contributions for this project. Its
development is financially supported by DSpace Foundation. DSpace permits to
create digital repositories. These repositories can contain several types of docu-
ments from institutions. The data is stored in the system with a unique identifier
that contains metadata. Dspace has support for the metadata scheme Dublin Core
and it uses the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) system to as-
sign the persistent identifiers. It supports the OAI-PMH 2.0 and OpenURL. With
Dspace it is possible to export data to XML format or to the Metadata Encoding
and Transmission Standard (METS) format.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
2.2.2 Eprints
Eprints is a complex system, based on web technologies, widely used all over the
world, developed by the University of Southampton in UK, and available under
the GNU license. Its primary purpose is to build institutional repositories for
various types of documents such as common literature, but its primary focus is
on scientific data. The whole system is easy to configure and it also offers paid
services, such as training, management of implementation project and technical
support. In terms of standards Eprints supports the system EPrints OAI-PHM
and the metadata have their own inner format. Eprints allows the importation
of data from documents on XML format and some external resources such as
PubMed XML. The export of data is also possible in several formats, XML, RSS,
DublinCore, METS.
Eprints provides administration of user accounts, but assigning of user rights is
not very elaborated because initially it was aimed only at publishing scientists. It
enables search using the interface as well as in the metadata. Eprints indexes text
files and other common formats such as PDF. It also allows browsing the logical
tree structures, its intro structure is the same as in the Library of Congress, but it
can be modified. The interface further enables registration of new users, to inform
them about news and to provide them with feeds and e-mail alerts to keep them
up to date. Administrator interface allows configuration and control of the whole
system. Eprints is very sophisticated system but the upload of individual items is
very complex, sometimes difficul to use and time consumed is usually hight.
2.2.3 Fedora
, like the two digital libraries mentioned before was also created in
the university environment at Cornell University and University of Virginia. It
all started as a research project in 1997 which result was published on the web
of Cornell University in 1998. In 2001 both universities started to cooperate and
received financial contribution for further development from the Melon Foundation
with the assignment to develop a universal digital library on the basis of the web
Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
services and XML. In 2007 both universities established an organization Fedora
Commons, which now takes care of the development of the joint system.
The Fedora system supports various standards, OAI-PHM, exports to METS
formats and its own internal format FOXML, the descriptive metadata are stored
in the Dublin Core format. Although the core of Fedora system is very advanced,
at present it is not a complex library system ready-to-use. It is only a platform
that further has to be programmed at quite a higher cost and with great effort.
When operated, the higher cost must be taken into account due to the platform
independence of the system, because it is more demanding for hardware sources
than other systems.
2.2.4 Greenstone
Greenstone is a software, published under the GNU/GPL license, for construct-
ing and presenting collections. Each collection may have thousands or millions of
documents, with different types: text, images, audio and video. Usually digital
library created using Greenstone will contain many collections, individually orga-
nized. The maintenance process is easy and each collection can be augmented and
rebuilt automatically.
There are many ways to find information in Greenstone collections. It is possible
to search for particular words that appear in the text, or within a section of a
document. It is also possible to browse documents by title or by subject. To see
several examples of Greenstone collections, you can visit The New Zealand Digital
Library website ( Greenstone constructs a full-text indexes from
the document text. Indexes can be searched for particular words, combinations of
words or phrases. The results are ordered according to how relevant they are to
the query.
In the majority of collections, associated with each document, we can find de-
scriptive data like author, title, date and keywords. This descriptive information
is called metadata. Metadata is used as the raw material for browsing indexes. It
must be either provided explicitly or derivable automatically from the source doc-
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
uments. The Dublin Core metadata scheme is used for most electronic documents,
however, provision is made for other schemes.
Greenstone creates automatically all index structures from the documents and
supporting files. If a new document, with the same format, become available, it
can be merged automatically into the collection. For several collections this is done
by processes that awake regularly, search for new material and rebuild the indexes.
Documents come in a variety of formats and are converted into a standard XML
form for indexing by “plugins”. Plugins distributed with Greenstone can process
different types of formats: plain text, html, word and pdf documents, and e-mail
messages. New ones can be written for different document types. To build brows-
ing structures from metadata, an similar scheme of “classifiers” is used. These
create browsing indexes of different kinds: scrollable lists, alphabetic selectors,
dates and arbitrary hierarchies.
Unicode, which is a standard scheme for representing the character sets used
in the world’s languages, is used on Greenstone. This allows any language to be
processed and displayed in a consistent way. Grenstone collections are accessed
over the Internet or published, in precisely the same form, on a self-installing
Windows CD-ROM. Compression is used to compact the text and indexes. A
Corba protocol supports distributed collections and graphical query interfaces.
2.2.5 Comparison between Digital Libraries
The following gives an overview and compare the different functionalities and
specifications about the digital libraries mentioned before.
2.3 Integrated Library Systems - Overview
In this section, I will show different examples of ILS, some of them commercial
and other open source.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
Invenio DSpace Eprints Fedora Greestone
Year of cre-
1993 2002 2000 1997 1997
Support pro-
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
tion, Mas-
ton, UK
of Virginia,
of Waikato,
Java Perl Java Perl,
system and
Unix and
Unix and
Database MySQL PostgreSQL,
Not neces-
OAI-PMH Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Z39.50 No No No No Yes
Metadata for-
MARC21 Dublin Core Dublin Core Dublin Core Dublin Core
Identifiers their own CNRI Han-
their own their own their own
Table 2.1: Comparison between digital libraries
2.3.1 KOHA
Koha is the first Open Source Integrated Library System in the world. It is
distributed under the GNU General Public License. Koha was initially developed,
in 1999, in New Zealand, by Katipo Communications and his first deployment took
place in January of 2000, for the Horowhenua Library Trust. Its development, is
currently maintained by a strong community of software developers and libraries,
who are working togheter, in order to achieve, their goals. Koha is written in PERL
and requires MySQL database, Apache HTTP Server and can run with Linux or
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
Windows. It provides diferent functional modules like acquisition, cataloguing,
serial control, OPAC and circulation. It is also possible to find other features
like MARC support, Z39.50, barcode, RSS feeds, web interface and multi branch
library support. In 2006, Koha was updated 3 times with significant changes. User
support for Koha is available on the documentation website (,
Wiki, mailing lists and open source vendors. Koha has nowadays more than 100
users registered.
2.3.2 OpenBiblio
OpenBiblio is an automated library system written in PHP, using the LAMP
stack. It provides several functional modules such as OPAC, circulation, cataloging
and staff administration and support for UNIMARC. It is also possible to find an
online demo of OpenBiblio. The last release was in 2007, since then, there was
no significant development. OpenBiblio needs the contribution from users and
developers, to assure the survival of the project.
2.3.3 Emilda
Emilda is developed, since 2000, by CompanyCube
, a Finish software company,
under the GNU General Public License. The initial system was conceived and
developed, in PHP, with the assistance of many school libraries. Since 2003, Emilda
is supporting tipical standards, including MARC and Z39.50 protocol for ILL. It
is XML-based and can be run on Windows and Linux. The circulation module
and patron access catalog modules were introduced on June 29, 2005. Emilda
uses the Zebra Server from Indexdata as a backend server. The source code and
documentation are available online in English. It is also possible to experiment an
online demo. Emilda was in use at 14 finish school libraries in 2008.
2.3.4 PMB - PhpMyBibli
PMB (PhpMyBibli) was created in France, in 2002, by Francois Lemarchand. It
provides several modules like circulation, acquisition, cataloguing with UNIMARC
formerly Realnode Ltd
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
support,OPAC and a SDI
system. The installation process and the maintenance
of PMB is easy in Windows and Linux in comparison with other open source
ILS. It is written in PHP, using Apache HTTP Server and MySQl database. PMB
provides also, for the library staff, an friendly graphical interface for database back
up, system maintenance and import and export of bibliographic records. With this
complete set of tools, it is possible to librarians to maintain the ILS without the
help of system administrator. Other important features are the import and export
of bibliographic records using different formats, Z39.50 support for ILL, barcode
generator, serial control, multi-language support and detailed documentation for
users and administrator.
2.3.5 EverGreen
Evergreen is an Integrated Library System, licenced under the GNU General
Public License, and initially developed and maintained by the Georgia Public
Library Service for the PINES
Program, a consortium of 270 public libraries.
The develoment of Evergreen started in 2005 and it appears as the answer for
the specific needs of PINES. At this time, any kind of ILS (proprietary or open
source) was good enought to cover all the requirements and achieve all the ob-
jectives of PINES. For that reason, Evergreen was one of the first Open Source
Library Automation System conceived from scratch for a large-scale deployment
in a public library consortium. Nowadays, Evergreen is maintained by Equinox
Software, a company formed by the original development team of Evergreen. This
new company provides services like development, migration, support, training and
consultation. Evergreen provides several modules like cataloging, circulation, sta-
tistical reporting and OPAC. Modules for acquisitions, reserves and serials are
on development. It has also support for Z39.50 and MARC. Evergreen is mainly
written Perl and some few sections were rewritten in C. The OPAC module was
developed using JavaScript and XHTML and the interface (for library staff and
users) was written in Mozilla XUL (XML + JavaScript). Python was also used
for the internationalization. It runs on Windows and Linux, using PostgreSQL as
Selective Dissemination of Information is mechanism used to keep an user informed about
new resources related specific topics.
Public Information Network for Electronic Services
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
2.3.6 GNUteca
GNUTECA is an Open Source ILS, published under the GNU General Public
License, and developed since 2001. It is highly popular among public and academic
libraries, in Brazil. It has modules for circulation, cataloguing, serial control,
ILL and OPAC. GNUTECA supports MARC21 and CDS/ISIS
conversion. The
documentation of this project is available on portuguese and french. GNUTECA
runs only Linux, using Apache HTTP Server, PHP and PostgreSQL.
2.3.7 ALEPH 500
ALEPH500 is integrated library system created by ExLibris. It is a market
leader in the automation of libraries and research centers providing an the efficient,
user-friendly tools and workflow support they need. Based on industry standards
such as OpenURL, XML, OAI, LDAP, ISOILL, and RFID, offers the ultimate
in resource-sharing capabilities, full connectivity, and seamless interaction with
other systems and databases. Built on an Oracle database, ALEPH 500 offers full
Unicode support, employs system-wide XML technology, and offers third-party
integration through an XML gateway as well as standard protocols such as Z39.50
and ODBC.
2.3.8 Comparison between ILSes
The following table shows the comparison between several ILSes and gives an
overview about their main functionalities and specifications.
CDS/ISIS is a software package for generalised Information Storage and Retrieval systems
developed, maintained and disseminated by UNESCO.
Chapter 2. Integrated Library Systems
Table 2.2: Comparison between ILSes
KOHA OpenBiblio Emilda PMB EverGreen GNUteca ALEPH 500
Linux Linux Windows
and Linux
and Linux
and Linux
Linux Windows
Database MySQL MySQL Qual MySQL PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Oracle
Perl PHP PHP PHP Perl, C and
- CompanyCubeFran¸cois
- ExLibris
Year of cre-
1999 - 2000 2002 2005 2001 -
Circulation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Acquisitions Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes
Serial con-
Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cataloguing Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
OPAC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Chapter 3
BibCirculation Development
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
In the chapter 3, I will explain the process of creation and development of
BibCirculation. This chapter is fundamental to understand my options and my
implementation strategy for this project. It describes the technologies used, the
software engineering model followed during the development, the requirements
analysis and all the work developed in terms database and Graphical User Interface
(GUI) design. This chapter gives also an overview of all the implemented features
of BibCirculation, explaining the role of each one and the interaction with the
other modules of CDS Invenio. Finally, there is also an explanation about the
synchronization process with the ILS used nowadays by the CERN Library and a
overview of external sources of information used to help the implementation and
development of BibCirculation.
3.1 Development model and strategy
The development of BibCirculation is based on a software engineering devel-
opment model. A software engineering development model is a virtual structure,
more or less flexible, who is created with the purpose to guide the development
of a software application. It can be also called software life cycle or software de-
velopment process. There are several models for this kind of processes, each one
describing a different approach to a variety of tasks, problems or activities, who
are contained in the process.
On the development of BibCirculation, the followed development model was
the Waterfall Model. This model is, usually, composed by the following different
Requirements analysis
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
After the end of each step, the process goes to the next one. In the following
figure 3.1, you can see the relation between each step and the respective transi-
Figure 3.1: The Waterfall model[16].
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
3.2 Requirements Analysis
The requirements analysis is the first phase of the Waterfall model. Once BibCir-
culation is following this development model, the creation started by investigating
and collecting information about our problem. This first step is perhaps one of
the most important step in a software development process. This step should be
static, in order to be the base for all the development of the project. To under-
stand its importance, we can say this first step will be the difference between the
failure and the success. If we don’t pay enough attention when we are doing the
requirements analysis, the result can be catastrophic, or even, with no way back,
in the future. Sometimes requirements analysis errors are just detected when an
application is installed on production. This situation will increase the total cost
(not just in terms of budget, but also in terms of workforce) and the duration of
the project, creating a delay on the delivery schedule.
The requirements analysis should be saw like an environmental analysis. We
need to understand what kind of parameters, needs and variables will be sur-
rounding our application. For BibCirculation, it is really important to not forget
that this new module will interact we other modules of CDS Invenio and will be
available not only for CERN, but also for other external users and institutions,
with a different type of needs. In order, to be able to answer to all kind of re-
quests, BibCirculation should be the most generic possible, but keeping always, a
high level of efficiency and performance.
In the particular case of BibCirculation, I started by creating a division. A divi-
sion between the borrowers and the library staff. This division is very important
for the requirements analysis, because each actor will be in a different environ-
ment, with different actions, rules and needs. There will be off course a relation
between borrowers and library staff, but in terms of software development, they
are not together, because they have different specifications.
To understand the needs of the future users and administrators of BibCircula-
tion, we have to watch and study, very carefully, what has been used in the last
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
years, in the previous system. It is also necessary to understand the usual be-
havior of users and an administrators, when they are interacting with the system.
BibCirculation will replace the system currently used by the CERN library, so we
need to keep the good ideas and replace/improve what is not good and useless.
Figure 3.2: OPAC of CDS Invenio searching books.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
With this project, it will be created several functions to automate library op-
erations, like it happens with an ILS. As I mentioned before, an ILS as several
modules. With BibCirculation, it will be developed functions for circulation, seri-
als, acquisitions and ILL. Functionalities such as cataloging or OPAC, are already
provided by CDS Invenio. Cataloging is provided by BibIndex and BibUpload.
OPAC is provided by WebStyle, WebSession, WebAccess and WebSearch.
3.2.1 Understanding librarians needs and demands
When we are creating a new software, we should have two things in mind. First,
our software will handle a problem or a set of problems and it will try solve them.
Second, our software will be used by someone (an individual person or a company).
This subsection will be focused on the second point – the people who is going to use
our software. Personally, I guess this is a very important step in the development
of a software. We need to spend sometime trying to understand the needs and the
demands of the final user. Part of the success of a software application is in this
very particular and specific point.
To understand the needs of the CERN library staff, I spend several weeks study-
ing the system used by the library and having meetings to discuss the goals to be
reached in this project. All this process is quiet important, because it allowed
to me to see how works a library staff and what type of routines they have. If
possible, it is an advantage to keep in a new software application similar behaviors
and action. This is very helpful for the people who will use the software in the
3.2.2 Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
After the requirements analysis, the design of the database the ER model
is a very relevant component in a software engineering process. In software engi-
neering, the ER model is a conceptual and abstract way to represent data. This
model is a database modeling method used to produce a type of conceptual schema
or a semantic data model of a system. Our database ER model will contain all
the information related with the activities of BibCirculation. For this reason, his
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
conception and his design is very important and have to be done very carefully.
The created ER model will be added to the ER model who already exists in CDS
Invenio. The link with the rest of the system will be done by the table bibrecord.
This table contains the ID of each record present on CDS Invenio. These IDs will
be used in different BibCirculation tables such as crcITEM, crcLOANREQUEST or
crcLOAN. This second phase has an strong relation, with the requirements analysis.
The database ER model is mainly based on the work developed in the previous
step. The integration of BibCirculation with all the other modules of CDS Inve-
nio, starts here. The relation with the table bibrecord is the beginning of the
integration process.
In order, to give a correct answer to all needs, of an application like BibCircula-
tion, an application who will be responsible for library management, it is necessary
to create an ER model, who will be able to handle with a specific set of require-
ments. In this second step, like for the first one, we have to keep in mind, the idea
of a generic tool a tool who will able to deal with different situations in different
libraries. The figure 3.3 shows the final BibCirculation ER model.
3.2.3 Graphical User Interface
When we are creating a new application, the Graphical User Interface (GUI)is
perhaps one of most relevant parts in the creation process. The layout, is often,
a subject who creates many discussions between developers, designers and clients.
For BibCirculation, I tried to provide a clean interface, without many buttons or
many options, just something simple and clear. For this new application, it is
necessary to consider two different parts or two different interfaces. One interface
for borrowers and another for library staff. Below, I will explain the creation and
the development of these two interfaces.
Borrowers GUI
The development of the borrowers interface was based in the previous system and
also in comments and improvements suggested during the requirements analysis.
For this specific interface, it was kept all the advantages from the previous system,
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.3: BibCirculation ER Diagram.
in order to have the same logic and the same behavior. From the usability point
of view, this fact is really important for the future users, because it will be easier
and faster to understand the action, they have to do, to reach their goal.
For borrowers, it will be important to provide a nice and usable interface, where
they can find some new options in comparison with the previous system. For
example, using the circulation module provided by the CERN library it was not
possible, for a borrower, to cancel or delete a request. Sometimes this situation
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.4: Borrower interface - Holdings tab.
was annoying for the borrower. It was necessary to notify the library by phone or
email in order to cancel the wrong request.
Library staff GUI
The development of the library staff interface was done very carefully. The design,
like for borrowers, was based on comments and recommendations of the CERN
Library, and also by studying the system used in the last years. BibCirculation
has to provide several functionalities to the library staff. These functionalities
has to be organized in an efficient way, in order to avoid waste of time for the
person who is trying to perform an action. To create this interface, I tried to
understand the needs of the library staff and also the way they work. At the
library desk, members of the CERN library explained to me how they performed
several actions, giving their opinion about possible improvements and what should
kept in BibCirculation. The following pictures shows one of the first versions of
the interface designed for library staff. As it is possible to see in the figure, the
interface is perfectly integrated with CDS Invenio.
3.2.4 Main features of BibCirculation
As I explained in Chapter 1, the main purpose of BibCirculation is to deal with
processes that involve the association between books (items) and borrowers, their
relation with the system and support the management of acquisitions and ILL,
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.5: Graphical user interface for library staff.
providing features usually present in ILS. To understand what is this project, let’s
talk a little bit more about BibCirculation showing the ideas behind this module
and explaining each features if it was an informal use-case.
The circulation process is based on the interaction of data from different places
files or dabatases in the system. In this type of system, the most important
information, or base for all the rest, is the information about books (items) and
borrowers. Usually, the information about borrowers contains common information
like name, address, email, etc and some properties, that can be relevant for the
library, like privileges or statuses. These properties can be used by the system to
applied, for example, different kinds of lending privileges. The information about
books usually contains bibliographic details and also some additional information
such as the type of material or the location in the library.
The additional information mentioned previously is defined by librarians. When
a new book arrives to the library, the library staff add to this new item, information
like the barcode (witch is unique), the lending conditions, the loan period and some
other information that depends on the each library.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Management and registration of borrowers
People who wants to borrow material from a library, or to have access to elec-
tronic resources like e-books, or research information from a database must first
to register as a borrower. Borrowers include usually people with a library’s mem-
bership or other organizations or institutions that can borrow material. A single
record for each borrower is stored in the database. There are three methods used
to add borrower records to the database. These methods usually depend on the
library and in the capabilities of the library system:
The borrower can supply information personally or by filling a paper form,
which the library staff can create a new record on the system;
The borrower register online using a web form;
Files containing borrower data are loaded into the system from external
Data stored in a borrower record include commonly name, address, telephone,
email, driver’s license or another unique ID number. If necessary or considered
relevant, libraries may add for statistical usage, information fields such as age,
gender, language or level of study. Similarly to other system records, a borrower
record contains fixed-length fields for data such as codes and dates, and a variable-
length fields for names, addresses, numbers and notes. The system allocates a
unique number to each borrower record as it is saved on the system. Library staff
use the number to search for and retrieve a record and the system may use it to
create relations with another entity.
With BibCirculation, we can register a new borrower. This is one most basic
features of an ILS, but it is also one of the most important. Usually, libraries
receive new borrowers. It is essential to collect and register all the information
about the new borrowers. This information is highly relevant, because it will be
associate with books information, to create request and loan procedures.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
In the particular case of BibCirculation, there are three ways to register new
borrowers. The first one, and also the most common, is to register someone one in
the library desk, when a person demands a book for the first time. The library staff
just need to fill a form with the borrower’s information and it’s done. The second
one, appends when a borrower is requesting a book online, using CDS Invenio.
When a borrower is requesting a book, BibCirculation will verify if it’s the first
request of this person. If it’s true, BibCirculation will register this person has a new
borrower. To achieve this operation, BibCirculation use the borrower’s information
(CERN id, name, email) contained in the session. The missing information will be
retrieve from CERN LDAP. This operation is transparent and the new borrower
doesn’t know anything about the registration process. The third way merges the
two first ways. A borrower arrives to the library desk with a book. The library
staff enter the borrower’s name or scan the borrower card reader. At CERN this
can be done using the CERN card, witch has a barcode. If it is the first loan
of this borrower, the borrower’s information is retrieved and he is registered on
Figure 3.6: CERN card with barcode.
Management and registration of books
A book can be defined by different names in an ILS. Item or holding record
are also common names for books. With BibCirculation, I thought that the term
books would the best way to explain what we are talking about. Usually, an
item is associated to a copy of a title that is in circulation. The item record
links directly to a bibliographic record that contains several descriptive fields like
title, author, publisher and ISBN. A single bibliographic record can have several
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
hundred of copies linked to it. For instance, issues of a journal that circulate need
different item records. A copy has multiple fixed-length fields that store permanent
information like:
The usual location of the copy (the shelf);
A code representing a format of a copy, e.g., book, journal.
A price for assessing replacement costs;
Statistical codes defined by the library.
Fixed-length fields also contain information generated by the system, for ex-
ample, coming from updates when a books is returned or a loan is renewed. These
information may include the followinf types:
Date of check out (or return);
Date item is due;
ID of the borrower who has checked out an item;
ID of the previous borrower and check in date;
Circulation status of the copy;
Number of renewals within a loan period and total of renewals;
Number of overdue letters or emails sent;
Date of the last overdue letter or email sent;
Total number of loans;
Checkouts during a statistical time period.
Usually, the system is able to collect fixed-field statistical information to gen-
erate reports. Some fields are also editable by the library staff. The fields who are
not editable are generated and updated by the system it self. Copy variable-length
fields include:
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
volume details for serials;
local call numbers;
historical or circulation notes added by the library staff;
system generated information recording information from transactions.
The following figure shows the interface (viewed by the library staff), create to
display items details.
Figure 3.7: Interface containing items informations.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Barcodes Barcodes are a great achievement in terms of ILS. They can provide
a quick retrieval of an copy from the database. To retrieve a specific barcode, the
library staff can scan the barcode, using a barcode reader, linked to the computer
where the system is running. In libraries, the barcodes use the same black-and-
white-striped format used in shops or supermarkets.
Figure 3.8: Example of barcode present in bools.
A standard barcode format is the Codabar
or Code 39 design, which has 14
digits. It includes item data, institution or library data and the check digit, which
is the final digit calculated from the previous digit in the barcode. An alternative,
to barcodes is the Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID). An RFID tag contains
a microship and an antenna and is programmed electronically. The RFID tag
functions in a similar way as a barcode, but is read by radio frequency technology,
not scanned like a barcode. Using RFID, library staff can check in or out a stack
of eight to ten copies just in a single movement. Other RFID applications are
available for inventory, self-checkout and security. Systems providing RFID are
more expensive to implement than systems that support only barcodes, because
the purchase of a set of additional hardware such as readers and sensors. However,
the cost of this type of technology shall decrease as it becomes more widely used.
Like for borrowers, the registration of books can be considered a basic operations,
but it’s also an essencial functionality on an ILS. To register books, BibCirculation
has two different ways to deal with them.
The first case, it’s when a book arrive for the first time in the library. This
book will be register using BibRecord. Now, all the metadata of the new book is
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
contained on CDS Invenio (it’s now available for search) and it has record id. With
the given record ID, we can use BibCirculation to complete the missing information
and create a new copy (in this case, the first one) on the table crcITEM. This
operation has the purpose to associate the record ID with relevant information for
librarians such as the barcode, the loan period, the location of the new book in the
library, etc... For more details about the complementary information associated
to the record ID, see the details of the table crcITEM, on the chapter DB or in
the appendix. This complementary information need to be register on this way,
because when the new book is registered with BibRecord, there is no MARC field
for information like barcode or loan period. So, to solve this problem, it was
decided to create a table, crcITEM, to assemble all the information together.
The second case, appends when a book already exist in the library and had been
registered, at least, once before. In this situation, the process is simple. Like for
the first case, we use BibCirculation to add the missing information and register
a new copy. In this case, we don’t need to use BibRecord, because the book has
already been registered and the relevant MARC information has been collected in
the past. The library staff just has to go the item’s page and select the options
add new copy.
Registration and management of (sub)libraries
As I mentioned before, sometimes it is important to associate to the different
books additional informations. One example of additional information is the li-
brary where the book is stored. In the particular case of BibCirculation, it is
stored two type of information: the library or sublibrary, because at CERN, the
CERN library is divided in different subjects, so there are many sublibrary, and
the location, witch give us, the shelf in the library.
This feature is important for the management of different sublibraries, like we
have at CERN, and also to keep the information of other libraries such as external
libraries. It is common to have requests of books witch are already on loan or
doesn’t exist in the library. In these cases, libraries demands for the desired book to
an external library. This why it is important to register information about external
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
libraries. BibCirculation provides also the possibility to update the information
related with all libraries and write notes about each one.
Registration and management of ILL requests
This subsection is related with the previous one. I talked about requests to
external libraries. This type of request or demand is knew as Interloan Library.
The idea of this service is to provide the lending of material among different
libraries. With BibCirculation, when a borrower is looking for a book and this
one is not available or doesn’t exist in the library, BibCirculation will show a form
where the borrower will perform an ILL request. This request will be treated by
the library and the book will be requested from another library.
This functionality is not common for a circulation module. In ALEPH 500, like
in many ILSes, there is a module only for ILL. But since an ILL request can be
treated like a normal request, it was decided to have this feature in BibCirculation
instead of created a new module just for ILL.
In order to manage ILL requests efficiently, it was created in CDS Invenio two
new collections: ILL Books and ILL Articles. When a new ILL request is registered
for a book or an article who doesn’t exists at CERN, some of the bibliographic
information is stored in CDS Invenio. This process is done by using BibUpload,
witch creates a new bibioghraphic record. The new record for the requested book
or article contains all the relevant information stored using MARC21 format. After
this step, our new record is in the correct format to be handled by the search engine
of CDS Invenio.
Management and Registration of acquisitions
When we talk about acquisitions, we are talking about a kind of support for
financial activities for the process of adding new items to a library collections.
This type of module usually has a database or a table in a database, to register
the information about the vendors that the library use to make new purchases.
An acquisition module has also a financial system to register all the purchase and
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.9: Collection containing ILL Books.
Figure 3.10: MARC record of an ILL book.
allocate the funds according with the available budget. There are specific tasks
automated by this type of module such as management of approvals plans based
on the policy of the libraries, processement of invoices for new items who have
been received and approvement of payments. Some libraries, depending on their
size, can implement, in collaboration with their vendors, a transfer of bibliographic
data. Amazon provides Amazon WebServices (AWS) where is possible to retrieve
this kind of data. This may simplify the management of the information in the
library side. It is also common to use, for this data sharing, a protocol called
Electronic Data Interchange
EDI is the computer-to-computer interchange of strictly formatted messages
that represent documents other than monetary instruments. EDI implies a se-
quence of messages between two parties, either of whom may serve as originator
See also
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
or recipient. The formatted data representing the documents may be transmitted
from originator to recipient via telecommunications or physically transported on
electronic storage media[19]. The process involved with the acquisition of new ma-
terial for a library is quite complex in terms of tasks automation. Specially large
libraries have an extensive use of acquisitions functionalities and it is common to
involve several exchange of data with financial systems. For small libraries, this
type of module is not so used like in bigger libraries. Sometimes they manage their
purchases using a simple spreadsheet.
Like for the previous functionality, the registration of purchases is not a typical
process associate to a circulation module. Usually, there is an independent module
to manage this type of operation. But like for ILL requests, it was decided to keep,
also, this operation inside BibCirculation, instead of develop a new module just for
this single purpose. BibCirculation give us the possibility to manage the purchase
of new items. This functionality was not in the list of features to be created, when
the development of BibCirculation started. But after some meetings and some
tests with the CERN Library Staff, it was decided to implement this additional
functionality. I think it is a good improvement, because it provides a feature
witch very important for librarians. It is quite common to order new material in
a library, so if we have all the management options in the same application it is
an advantage.
Figure 3.11: List with ordered books.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
With this new feature, it is possible to track the material who has been ordered.
At any time, it is available a complete overview of all the requests, where we
can see the different statuses, the places where the material has been ordered or
the expected delivery date. When a new item arrives, it is possible to update
the information about the acquisition and finish the procedure. If the acquisition
is a copy of an existent book of the library, the new copy will be automatically
associate with a record ID.
Registration and management of vendors
Vendors are extremely related with the featured mentioned before. It is, in
my opinion, very important to have information about the suppliers of a library.
In order, to provide this type of feature, in was created in BibCirculation the
possibility to register vendors. It is a place where is possible to keep the relevant
information about vendors and also associate notes. If necessary, it is also possible
to update the information. For more details about the information collected about
vendors, you can see the ER model of BibCirculation or see the SQL script present
in the appendix.
Request Workflow
When a request is performed, it can happen in two different ways. To understand
how they work, the process has been called request workflow. The idea it’s to
explain the different steps of a request. As I said, there two different kind of
request. A request can be done either online, accessing the web interface of CDS
Invenio, or in the library desk.
Request online To perform a request online, a borrower needs to go to CDS
Invenio webpage. After this, he can search for several type of informations. CDS
Invenio provides a huge set of collection, each one related with a specific category
like articles, books, presentations, periodicals, multimedia and much more things.
Let’s take for example a book request. Our borrower is looking for a book. He
can find it by using the search engine of CDS Invenio. He will get a list containing
the result of its search query. After to choose the desired item, he will see all the
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
details about it. In order to request one copy of the book, he needs to go to the tab
”holdings” and select one of the available copies. At this moment, BibCirculation
will verify if our borrower is logged in or not. If he is not, he will see the login
page of CDS Invenio. After the login, he will able to define the period of interest
for his request. After this the request process will be done. The borrower will
see a new page with a success message and a link for a section called ”Your loans
and requests”. In this section, he will see his loans, requests and also an historical
overview. It will be also possible to cancel a request in this section. There are two
important details in this step. If it is the first time that our borrower is requesting
a book, he will registered as a new borrower, in BibCirculation. The information
for the registration process is retrieved from the session and some complementary
information is retrieved from CERN LDAP. The second details is related with the
information of our borrower. If, by chance, the information about is address or
office is not available, the borrower will receive a message informing that is not
possible to perform the request because there is no information in the database,
about the place where the book should be sent. In the message, the borrower
will see, a link (or an email address), where it will possible to update his personal
Figure 3.12: Request online: detailed record of a book.
In meanwhile, the new request was registered in BibCirculation DB and it will
be treated by the library. In the admin interface of BibCirculation, the library
staff will be able to verify all the request witch are pending or waiting. If the
request status is ”pending” that means the book is available in the library. If the
request status is ”waiting” that means that the requested copy is already on loan
and when it will be back, the returned copy will be associate to request.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.13: Returning a book from loan.
Each time a request is treated there is always an association with a copy of a
book, or more specifically with a barcode of a book. For instance, if I am requesting
a book, with more than one copy, I am interested in the book, not in the copy.
I mean, I just want the book ”A” and I don’t care if I receive the copy number
1 or the copy number 2. BibCirculation is able to manage this situation. When
the request is registered, it is associate to the request, the record ID of the book
and the barcode of the selected copy. In the library, the librarian just goes to
shelf where the book is and pick one copy. The librarian doesn’t care about the
barcode. In this case, the barcode, it’s just an additional information that can be
used for statistics. When the librarian returns to the desk, he will associate the
picked copy with the borrower. In the database, the request status will be update
do ”done” and a new loan will be created in the table crcLOAN. Also the crcITEM
will change. The row corresponding to the barcode will be updated to the status
on loan. With this last operation, the request workflow, for requests online, it’s
Request in the library desk The request in the library desk has many opera-
tions in common with the request online, mentioned before. This type of request is
very traditional, because before the massification of the WWW, it was not possible
to request a book online. This is for sure, the most common way to get books
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.14: Associate a barcode to a borrower.
from libraries. People goes to the library to get a book. At CERN the majority of
the request are done, also, in this way. When someone arrives to the library desk
with a book for lending, BibCirculation will start a different process from that we
have with an online request. First of all, it will be introduced in BibCirculation
an information to identify the borrower. In this first step, we can use a borrower
id, an email address or the name. For example, if there is a borrower who doesn’t
remember his borrower id and doesn’t have an email address, the librarian will
be able to search by the borrower’s name. BibCirculation will give a list with
names that match the name who has been introduced. After this, the librarian
just need to select the correct name and go to the second step. In the second
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
step, the librarian will see the complete information about the borrower (name,
address, email, phone, etc). If all the information is correct, he goes to the third
step. In the third step, the librarian will associate the barcode (or the barcodes)
of the desired book with the borrower. In the next step, the fourth, the librarian
will see a complete overview about the requested book(s). BibCirculation will
present information about the return date and also a warning message, if one of
the requested books, is already under request. At this moment the librarian is free
to decide about what to do. He can just cancel the process or ignore the warning
message. This will depend on the rules and policy of each library. If there is no
warning message the librarian can finish the request process. At this moment it
will happen exactly the same, as I mentioned before, for the request online. The
different tables of BibCirculation will be updated and request workflow is finished.
In the library staff interface of BibCirculation, it is possible to find several
options and functionalities. One of them is to search for something. BibCircularion
give us the possibility to search for different types of information such as books,
borrowers, libraries and vendors. This kind of functionality is quite important
because sometimes with need to find a specific information, but we doesn’t know
where it is. For example, if I want to search for a book, I have a form to do this
operation. I just need to write the name of the book and I will get the result. To
perform this operation, specially in the case of book, BibCirculation uses directly
the search engine of CDS Invenio (from module WebSearch). That means we
can search for a book using the same sintax that we use when we search in CDS
Invenio. This is very good for librarians because they will be able to write very
complex queries, using for example MARC syntax.
In the case of borrowers, libraries and vendors, BibCirculation uses the search
functionalities provided by MySQL. It is maybe not very optimized, but it is ,
for sure, a good and simple way, to implement this type of feature. In all the
different cases of search, the result is always a list containing the information.
Each element on the list contains a link to page where we can see the desired
information. For instance, if I am looking for a borrower, I will be sent, to the
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.15: Searching book (Admin Gui).
borrower information page. In that page I will see all the relevant information of a
borrower, like personal information and also the loans and the request performed
by the selected borrower. If when we are searching, and the result is only one,
BibCirculation will display directly the page containing the information. There
will be no list with the result. It doesn’t make sense, to show a list with a single
result, when we can see directly desired information.
Management of requests and loans
In BibCirculation, the librarian has in the toolbar, different menus. One of them
is called Lists. Inside Lists, we can find different list showing information about
different subject. In the case of the CERN Library, it was defined four different
types of lists: Current loans, Overdue loans, items of shelf with holds and items
on loan with holds. The first list show us, all the books witch are on loan and
the respective borrower. It is possible to see more information such as loan date,
return date, barcode, number of renewals, overdue letters and loan notes. It is also
possible to perform an action called Claim return. This action has the purpose of
send a message (an email) to a borrower about one of his loans. The message can
be written by the librarian or it can be defined in the config file of BibCirculation.
The second list, overdue loans, show us all the loans where the return date has
expired. In general, this list has exactly the same information that the previous
one and also the same action. During the development of BibCirculation, the
CERN Library ask to have a tool to manage automatically the overdue loans. It
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
was created a BibCirculation daemon. The goal of this tool, was to run every
day, at a specific time, and search for all the overdue loans. This daemon was
also responsible to send overdue letters for all the borrowers where the return date
had already expired and update the database with information related with all the
performed operations. The third list, Items on shelf with holds, correspond to all
the book witch are in the library and are under request. Before, I mentioned this
situation calling it pending request. The expression ”items on shelf with holds”
was choose by the CERN Library.
Figure 3.16: List showing ”item on shelf with holds”.
That means for internal operations, BibCirculation is using the term pending,
but to keep the same name, of the previous system, in the library staff interface,
like it has been, the name of the list is ”item on shelf with holds”. This list shows
to the librarian the borrower name and the requested book. It shows also the
location of the book in the library, the period of interest and the request date. It
provides also the possibility to perform two action: Delete a request and associate
a barcode to the request. The fourth list, ”items on loan with holds”, has this
name for the same reason has the previous list. Internally, BibCirculation uses the
term waiting witch corresponds to this kind of situation. In this list, it is possible
to see the borrower name, the requested book, the book location (shelf) in the
library, the period of interest, the request date and also two options, like in the
list mentioned before. Delete and Associate barcode.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Informations about books, borrowers, libraries and vendors
BibCirculation is based in four different entities, or more precisely, in a set of
informations from four different types. We have informations about borrowers,
books, libraries and vendors. These are the base of BibCirculation. The relations
between these different entities are the origin of a set of secondary entities such
as requests, loans, ILL requests and acquisitions. It is very important to manage
efficiently all these informations. For librarians it is also fundamental to have the
access to all these types of informations in an efficient way. In BibCirculation, we
have different pages (for library staff) where it is shown all the information related
with the four entities mentioned before. We have a page for borrower informations.
In this page, it is possible to see borrower personal information like email, address,
phone, etc, and also information about loans, request and ILL request. It is also
shown an historial overview and there are four action that can be performed: New
loan, New request, New ILL request and Notify this borrower.
For books informations, BibCirculation provides also a page, very similar with
the page mentioned before. We have a short list containing bibliographic details
and there is also a table containing all the copies and several informations about
each one. In the last section of the page, there is an historical overview about loans
and request, like in the borrower’s information page. In the books information
page, we have also a button called Edit this record, witch is a link to another
module of CDS Invenio called BibEdit. This module provides the possibility to
edit the different MARC fields contained in a record.
We have more two information pages. One for libraries and another for vendors.
They are quite similar and much more simple than the two information pages
provided for books and borrowers. For libraries and vendors, both pages show
a set of relevant information such as address, phone, email. There is also the
possibility to verify notes written previously and also write additional notes. Also
in both cases, it is available the possibility to update the information give before.
It is just necessary to use the button Update and an editable form will appear in
order to write the new information about libraries or vendors.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.17: Borrower details page.
Figure 3.18: Borrower loans details page.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Complementary features
BibCirculation has also some complementary features. These features are not
related with the typical functionalities of an ILS. They were implemented in order
to help and improve other features. I mentioned before, the possibility to send
overdue letters when a loan has expired. This work is done by a daemon. This
daemon was created and runs everyday, finding all the expired loans and send-
ing notifications for the different borrowers. Each mail is based on the different
templates present in BibCirculation config.
Another functionality related with the previous one, is the notification by email.
It was developed a system who allows the library staff do sent emails to the bor-
rowers. Each borrower’s page has an option Notify this borrower. The librarian
will see a form where is possible to write a message or just load a template, like
for BibCirculation daemon.
BibCirculation provides another interesting functionality. It is possible to define
in the config file, the holidays of the library or other days where the library is not
open. This is information is very important and it is used when a new loan is
done. BibCirculation will calculate the return date based on this configuration
and using the loan period stored for each book in the database. This avoid the
possibility to have a return date on a Saturday or during Christmas holidays.
3.3 Implementation
In this section, I will explain what was done in terms of implementation, giving
special importance to the technologies and development tools used in this process.
In this phase, it will applied all the knowledge collected about the problem in the
previous. At this point, we know what are the needs of the library staff and how
they will be implemented.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
3.3.1 Technology and development tools
I will present all the technologies and tools used on the development of BibCir-
culation. I will give a brief explanation of each one, with special focus on technical
details, trying always to show reason behind the choice.
Python is a general-purpose programming language, created in 1990 by Guido
van Rossum[25]. Python is now a mature language highly dynamic, object-oriented,
interpreted and interactive. It can be used for many kinds of software develop-
ment and offers high productivity for all steps of the software life cycle. Python
offers strong support for integration with other languages and tools, comes with
extensive standard libraries, and can be learned in a few days. Many Python pro-
grammers report substantial productivity gains and feel the language encourages
the development of higher quality and more maintainable code.
When I started the development of BibCirculation, Python was already being
used. In the documentation[26] of CDS Invenio it is possible to understand some
of the reasons about the usage of Python:
”Python is highly dynamic language with many redefinition capabilities, very
well suited to test-driven development and rapid prototyping. Many people like the
“batteries included” aspect of Python. It is very easy to learn. On the other hand,
it has got several drawbacks. One of them is the slowness. Another is the lack
of a language standard which could become a problem in maintaining programs in
10-15 years span”
, licensed under the GNU General Public License. It
is “the world’s most popular open source database because of its consistent fast
performance, high reliability and ease of use”. For these reasons, MySQL is used
Relational Database Management System
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
by several world’s largest companies such as Yahoo!, Alcatel-Lucent, Google and
MySQL also become the main choice for the applications developed on the
LAMP stack
. MySQL can run on more than 20 platforms including Linux, BSDs,
Windows, OS/X, Solaris, Symbian, HP-UX, AIX and Netware.
The use of MySQL on the development of BibCirculation is related with the
own development of CDS Invenio[26]. It make sense to keep the same database,
specially because BibCirculation needs to interact with other tables, who already
exist on CDS Invenio.
“Initially, at around 1998, we choose to use MySQL for a simple CDS applica-
tion, because the inherent simplicity of the problem did not require usage of heavy
and complex systems such as Oracle. It would have been an overkill. In the course
of years, MySQL has proven very stable, scalable, and capable of dealing with very
complex tasks, so its usage at CDS has spread”.
Apache HTTP Server/mod python
The Apache HTTP Server
is an open source software, licensed under the Apache
License 2.0, and developed in order to create a robust, commercial-grade, feature-
ful and freely-available HTTP Web server. Apache has been, since many years,
very important in the expansion of the WWW. In 2009, Apache became the first
web server who cross the barrier of 100 million web site. Since is initial release,
in 1995, Apache appears as the first reliable alternative to the old Netscape Com-
munications Corporation web server
The Apache HTTP Server project is part of the Apache Software Foundation
and it is maintained by a strong and world wide community of developers. Apache
is available for a wide number of operating systems, like Unix, FreeBSD, Linux,
LAMP is a term to define how MySQL is used in conjunction with Linux, Apache, and either
Python, Perl or PHP
Nowadays know as Sun Java System Web Server
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Solaris, NetWare, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Since April 1996, Apache
has been the most popular HTTP server on the World Wide Web. In March 2009,
Apache served over 46% of all websites and over 66% of the million busiest.
Mod python is used on CDS Invenio because it allows to the developer to create
web-based applications in Python that will run much more faster than a traditional
and provide access to Apache’s core system. Using mod python, we have
also the advantage of Python Server Pages (PSP), a strategy to embed Python
code into HTML pages, like in ASP, PHP and Java Server Pages (JSP).
Pylint is a great tool, used to help the development of CDS Invenio since several
years. This tool helps developers to improve their code and give suggestions about
good practices. Basically, Pylint checks if a module satisfies a coding standard.
Pylint is very similar to PyChecker but provides more features such as checking
line-code’s length, checking if variable names are well-formed according to your
coding standard, or checking if declared interfaces are truly implemented. Pylint
offers also the possibility to configure and customize different options, adding per-
sonal feature.
3.3.2 Interaction with the other modules of CDS Invenio
To achieve one of the goals of this project, BibCirculation should be perfectly
integrated with the other modules of CDS Invenio, and use all advantages and
functionalities already created. The following figure shows the interaction and the
integration of BibCirculation with several modules of CDS Invenio.
This module is used by BibCirculation when a search involving metadata is
performed. WebSearch provides to BibCirculation the capability to support the
search syntax generally used by librarians (queries with MARC tags). It is one of
Common Gateway Interface
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.19: Integration and interaction with other modules
the most important module of CDS Invenio. But it provides also some options in
terms of interface. For example, when the tab Holdings is created in the ”Detailled
Record” page, this is done by WebSearch.
Like for other modules of CDS Invenio such as WebBasket or WebMessage, it is
necessary to provide a tool to manage sessions and allow different functionalities
depending if a user is logged in or not. WebSession is responsible for this type of
verification process. In the case of BibCirculation, if a borrower is not logged in, it
will be not possible see the section Your Loans and requests. To have this behavior,
it is just necessary to configure WebSession with the adequate parameters of each
BibCirculation interacts with BibUpload when the treatment of ILL request,
about a book or an article, who doesn’t exists in CDS Invenio, is being done.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
That means, a new MARC record will be created. BibCirculation produces a
file. This new file will send to BibUpload who will create a new
MARC record on CDS Invenio.
Figure 3.20: Example of a MARCXML record.
Miscutils provides a lot of tools for several types of operations. It is like a swiss-
army knife. In the case of BibCirculation, Miscutils is used to provide access to
the database.
There is a link between BibCirculation and BibEdit. This is very important,
because it allows to the library staff, when they are in the book details page, to
go directly to BibEdit and insert or update the MARC fields of a record.
This module provides the look and feel for the users of BibCirculation. All
the pages or sections provided to borrowers such as Your loans and requests are
managed by WebStyle.
The core of the MARC XML framework is a simple XML schema which contains MARC
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
WebAccess is responsible to provide the access of users to CDS Invenio, man-
aging different levels of roles and different types of authorizations. This module
is very important for the development and implementation of BibCirculation. It
allows the possibility to distinguish, for example, borrowers from library staff. It
permits also create different roles for the library staff. For instance, it is possible
to create a role for a person who will responsible to manage ILL requests. With
the creation of this new role, only the person (or the persons) associate to this role
will be able the perform such kind of action.
3.3.3 Synchronization with ALEPH 500
As mentioned previously, in the Requirements Analysis (section 3.2), BibCir-
culation should keep all the relevant information contained in ALEPH. This is
extremely important, because when the migration will come, we will have books
on loan, requests waiting for an answer and a lot of historical information about
borrowers and books. In order to migrate all the relevant information of ALEPH
in the database of BibCirculation, I have developed a synchronization tool to per-
form this operation. To understand the functionalities of this synchronization tool,
let’s see how it works.
To have access to ALEPH data, we need to connect before to an Oracle Database,
where the ALEPH information is stored. We can have access to Oracle using the
Python class This class was created specially to handle the
connections with Oracle Databases. For this procedure, we need also to know that
the important data is spread in 4 different databases: CER00, CER01, CER20 and
CER50. Each one contains different information. For this synchronization process,
it is also important to know, what is the relevant data we will have in our new
module BibCirculation. In order to use BibCirculation successfully, without any
problems, we need to retrieve information about current loans, requests, borrowers,
holdings and historical information.
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
Figure 3.21: Synchronization command line tool.
3.4 External sources of information
To have the necessary information for some tables of BibCirculation such as
crcITEM and crcBORROWER, it was necessary to retrieve information from different
external sources of information. In this section, I will explain how was done this
In order to have additional information about borrowers it was necessary to
find a way to get this important information. At CERN there are several services,
connected to different databases, where is possible to find information about CERN
users such as name, phone, address, office, email, etc... This information was
necessary to populate the table crcBORROWER.
3.4.2 Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services (AWS) are a collection of web services available on the
web by, since July 2002. It provides on-line services for other web
sites or for other client-side applications. The main purpose of AWS, was to
Chapter 3. BibCirculation Development
provide a set of functionalities that developers can use. In June 2007, Amazon
claimed that more than 330000 developers had subscribed to use AWS. AWS can
be accessed over HTTP using REST and SOAP protocols.
In the development of BibCirculation, the AWS were a great tool. With them,
it was possible to retrieve several bibliographic information and specially on the
GUI for library staff, it was possible to get all the book’s covers. It was very simple
to use it, it was just necessary to parse the XML received from the AWS. With
Python this task was very easy.
During the development of BibCirculation, it was created an ah hoc functional-
ity, who can be used, in the future associated with WebSubmit. This functionality
retrieve all the bibliographic information, when a new book is inserted on CDS
Invenio. Nowadays, this information has to be filled manually, on the WebSubmit
module, but with this new functionality, the submission form will be completed
Chapter 4
Tests and Comparative Analysis
Chapter 4. Tests and Comparative Analysis
In the chapter 4, I will describe all the tests done during the development of Bib-
Circulation. This step is very important, because it will verify if our requirements
analysis was correct and if our goals have been achieved with success. I did differ-
ent kind of tests, with different goals. Some of then, for instance, regression tests,
are related with the code quality and the improvements (in terms of features) of
BibCirculation. But, it was also important to test the usability of BibCirculation
with real data and real users. So, it was decided to put BibCirculation running
on development/staging machine CDS DEV a server who has the data same
data as CDS WED, the production server used at CERN.
In this chapter, I am going to provide, also, a comparative overview between our
new software, BibCirculation, and other ILS. This comparison is quite important,
because it will show if BibCirculation will be a good alternative for other ILS such
as ALEPH 500.
4.1 Regression Tests
Regression Tests are a type of software testing that aim to avoid errors after a
program has been modified. This kind of software testing is typically used when
a developer wants to unsure that its last code changes (like new improvements
or a bug fix) have not created bugs in the features previously implemented with
”Regression testing identifies when code modifications cause previously-working
functionality to regress, or fail, ultimately allowing you to catch regression errors
as soon as they are introduced. Most organizations verify critical functionality
once, and then assume it continues to work unless they intentionally modify it.
However, even routine and minor code changes can have unexpected side effects
that might break previously-verified functionality.” [?]
In the case of BibCirculation, these kind of tests were used because they are
really relevant for a correct process of software development, but also because
Chapter 4. Tests and Comparative Analysis
they have been used, since long time ago, in the development of the different
CDS Invenio’s modules. Since, there was a significant set of functionalities on
BibCirculation, it was decided to write the first regression tests. Like I wrote
before, the regression tests were very useful because they gave a guaranty about
the correct behavior of the features created in first place. For the development of
huge and complex system like BibCirculation, this kind of tools are essentials and
fundamentals to reach our goals.
4.2 Tests with Selenium - Firefox plugin
BibCirculation is mainly a graphical software application. I mean, we have
a graphical user interface to interact with the software. So, it would be great
to run tests using the GUI provided by BibCirculation, it would be much more
realistic. To achieve this idea, it was selected a very good tool for our purpose
Selenium. Selenium is a plugin for Firefox. It provides an integrated development
environment for testing, where it is possible to record, edit and debug tests[?].
Figure 4.1: Example of Selenium test running.
Regression tests have been very useful, but with Selenium it was possible to test
BibCirculation like for real. It was just necessary to record all the desired tests
and ran then, each time that it was required. With Selenium, it is possible to pass
different kinds of parameters, like usernames, passwords, field values and other
kind of information. We can create tests and simulate many types of situations
that can append for real. This tool is a great achievement in terms of software
testing and improve, for sure, the quality of any software. It was done several
Chapter 4. Tests and Comparative Analysis
tests and the result was very good. Selenium gave the opportunity to test the
integration of different components of BibCirculation and helped also fixing some
small bugs.
Inside BibCirculation, it is possible to find the different tests created with Sele-
nium. For all those, want to contribute with new ideas and functionalities for this
software, the recorded Selenium tests will be, for sure, a great help.
4.3 Deployment and tests on CDS DEV
Like I said before, in the introduction of Chapter 4, to understand if BibCircu-
lation was created and developed correctly I mean, being a good alternative for
other application with the same goals it was necessary to test it, with an envi-
ronment similar to the production environment. To do that, BibCirculation was
deployed on CDS DEV. CDS DEV it is a server, witch as the same specifications
(operating system, RAM, database information and specially, the same version of
CDS Invenio) of CDS WEB the production server used at CERN.
The tests performed were done by me and more two or three persons of CDS
Section and by several members of the CERN library. During this phase several
tests were done, trying to verify if all the goals were achieved. The first tests were
more visual. They were focused on the graphical user interface, checking if it was
easier to use and if it was understandable. With these tests and the feedback of the
library staff, it was possible to improve the graphical user interface of BibCircula-
tion, creating a very simple, clear and comfortable interface. After these tests, our
attention was focused on the features. Several cases and situations were simulated
and tested. The request cycle, witch includes registration of borrowers, requests
and loans (several updates in the database), was tested exhaustively several times,
giving the opportunity for some improvements. The final result was quite good.
All the features tested were working fine and all the bugs were fixed.
In order to have a good feedback and discuss possible improvements, there was
one or two meetings per week. With this strategy it was possible for me to under-
Chapter 4. Tests and Comparative Analysis
stand how were going the test and what were the questions and the comments of
the library staff. After several weeks of tests, the feedback was very good. There
was a problem with the synchronization of ILL request stored in ALEPH, but
apart from this all the other functionalities were approved by the CERN library.
Two weeks before the end of my contract, I was invented to present my work to
all the members of the CERN library. This was very important because I had in
this presentation, all the future users of BibCirculation. It was a great opportunity
have the feedback of several persons who are dealing since several years with ILS.
The result was very positive. They gave me interesting suggestions and comments,
in order to keep going with the good job.
4.4 Comparison with other systems
The development and the tests of BibCirculation are done. It is time to compare
the final result with other similar systems, trying to understand if the work done in
the last months produced good results. The following table give us an overview of
several systems and compare their features and specifications with BibCirculation.
Chapter 4. Tests and Comparative Analysis
Table 4.1: Comparison between different systems
KOHA OpenBiblio Emilda PMB EverGreen ALEPH 500 BibCirculation
Linux Linux Windows
and Linux
and Linux
and Linux
Windows Lunix
Database MySQL MySQL Qual MySQL PostgreSQL Oracle MySQL
Perl PHP PHP PHP Perl, C and
- Python
- CompanyCubeFran¸cois
ExLibris CERN
Year of cre-
1999 - 2000 2002 2005 - 2008
Circulation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Acquisitions Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Serial con-
Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cataloguing Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
OPAC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Partially
Provided by other modules of CDS Invenio
Provided by other modules of CDS Invenio
Chapter 5
Conclusions and further work
Chapter 5. Conclusions and further work
5.1 Conclusions
The work reported in the present thesis was for me a big and great challenge.
From the technically point of view, all the goals defined in the beginning of project
were, in the majority, reached with success. CDS Invenio has nowadays available
a new integrated module to manage physical items and automate operations from
libraries. Considering the goals defined in the section 1.4.2, let’s have an overview
on the way of each was implemented.
The new module, BibCirculation, should be perfectly integrated, like
the other modules, and take advantage of all the great tool of CDS
Invenio such as the search engine or the treatment of metadata.
This actually happen with BibCirculation. The new module is perfectly in-
tegrated with the rest of the system. Its interaction with other modules is
quite common. BibCirculation, to perform some operations, needs the sup-
port of other modules such as WebSearch, BibEdit, WebSession, BibUpload,
WebAccess, Miscutils and WebStyle.
This second goal, is in my opinion the most important development of this
project. It was essential to provide association between books infor-
mation and metadata. This never happened before in CDS Invenio. There
was no association between metadata and the items information which is not
present in the metadata fields, such as barcodes or statuses. It is possible
to store a lot of information with MARC21, several tags are provided to or-
ganize the bibliographical data of a book or an article. It is also possible to
store the number of copies of an item and identify each copy by a number.
But this number doesn’t mean anything, it just identify the copy internally.
For normal usage, with need barcodes, and this type of information is not
possible to store in MARC21 fields. To solve this problem, it was created a
new called crcITEM. This table provide the association between a record ID
and one or more barcodes, depending on the number of copies. With this
relation, library staff can search for an item just using the barcode. In the
result there will be all the information contained in the MARC21 fields and
the complementary information stored in crcITEM.
Chapter 5. Conclusions and further work
Another goal of BibCirculation was to make CDS Invenio more attrac-
tive and interesting for new potential users. With the new module,
CDS Invenio has now new features, which are not really usual on a digital
library. With the creation of BibCirculation, CDS Invenio can be a 2 in 1
application. It is no more necessary to have a digital library or repository
and an ILS. Now it is possible to have everything together. This is a great
advantage for new potential users. They will have a new tool where two dif-
ferent systems, which are usually separated, are now integrated in the same
application. They can reduce cost in terms of support and maintenance, and
they can manage digital and physical items with the same application.
I had also mentioned, in the section 1.4.2, some other goals. Those goals were
more specific and related with the implementation of several functionalities. Let’s
also have an overview about the way of those goals were reached.
When we are creating a new application one of the first things we have
in mind it’s the look, the interface of our application. In BibCirculation,
the GUI should be efficient and user-friendly, for library staff and
borrowers. To reach this goal, the design of the GUI was based on the needs
of library staff and borrowers. For library staff, we have an interface with a
menu containing the main features. Each feature is reachable in one or two
clicks. For borrowers, the interface of BibCirculation is integrated with the
general interface of CDS Invenio. When a borrower finds a books, he just
has to select the tab holdings to see all the available copies and perform a
request. It is clear and simple.
In this type of application it is important to manage all the different
entities present in library operations such as items, borrowers, li-
braries and vendors. To reach this objective, it was implemented an
information page for the different entities mentioned before. For each entity
it possible to perform different actions. For libraries and vendors the number
of actions is low and simple, but for items and borrowers, the set of available
actions is bigger and more complex. These actions provide the appropriate
management facilities to improve the work of library staff.
Chapter 5. Conclusions and further work
Like for entities, it is also important to manage the relations between them
such as loans and requests. For this two different type of relations it was
created a section, in the borrower’s information page and item’s information
page, to provide information about loans and request. For each section, there
is a link to a page containing detailed information of loans and requests, and
where is possible to perform different actions. With these actions it possible
to manage loans and requests easily.
It is important to provide an overview of what is happening in terms
of loans and requests. With BibCirculation it is provided a set of lists,
where is possible to see the different loans and requests, in different statuses.
For each row on the mentioned lists, it is possible to select different actions.
These actions are the same that I mentioned in the point before.
Another goal in term of functionalities was to provide historical infor-
mation about loans and requests. To do this BibCirculation provides
a list with this type of information from item’s information page and from
the borrower’s information page. In these list, it is possible to see, different
informations such as number of requests or the number of renewals. This
information is also important to statistical reports.
When we are moving from a old system to a new, it is fundamental to keep
in the new one the information stored in the old one. One of the goals
of BibCirculation was to migrate all the circulation data contained
in ALEPH and integrate it in order to be used. To achieve this
goal is was developed a synchronization tool, which retrieve the information
from ALEPH and write it in the tables of BibCirculation. This goal was
almost accomplished. There was a problem to find the information about
ILL requests in ALEPH. The documentation is not clear about this point and
there was no references to the place (database and tables) where the data is
stored. Unfortunately, it was not possible to retrieve this information.
To enrich BibCirculation and take advantage of its architecture, it was de-
cided to provide support for acquisitions and ILL requests. As I
Chapter 5. Conclusions and further work
mentioned before, it is common to have this functionalities in separated mod-
ules. In BibCirculation, the management of acquisitions and ILL requests
is quite easy to use. We have pages containing the informations about each
acquisition and each ILL request. The information can be updated and it
is possible to write notes. BibCirculation provides also list containing an
overview of all acquisitions and ILL requests who are being managed.
One of the most relevant point in the software development is documenta-
tion. Provide documentation for library staff was one of the goals in
the development of BibCirculation. This goals was not completely finished.
There is available some documentation but focused in the synchronization
process with ALEPH. This should be improved in the future.
5.2 Further work
After several months of development, and considering the goals of the projects, I
think there still having some improvements who need to be done, to improve Bib-
Circulation, in order to become an application more complete. One of the biggest
problem in the implementation/installation at CERN was the various problems
I had to have access to some data. The migration of data about ILL requests
was not finished because there was no way to retrieve that information, and the
documentation available was not enough. I guess one day this situation will be
solved, and than it will possible to finish the synchronization process at CERN.
I think the work done in terms of development was great but in my opinion
it was too much focused on the needs of the CERN library. CDS Invenio is an
application used in several institutions, each one with different needs. In my
opinion, the next improvements or the creation of new features, should take in
consideration this fact. CDS Invenio and BibCirculation, should be a generic tool.
I guess it will be extremely positive to have also the feedback and the suggestions
of other institutions.
Chapter 5. Conclusions and further work
Another improvement concern the Z39.50 protocol. It will be good to implement
this protocol ”correctly”. Nowadays it is not being used as it should be. The CERN
library has alternative ways to request books and other type of materials, from
other libraries, as I mentioned before. I hope in the future it will be possible to
use BibCirculation with Z39.50 protocol working perfectly.
It would be nice to provide to BibCirculation the possibility to treat request
using RFIDs. I think this will the future of several libraries in the next years.
This will increase the level of automation present in libraries and improve the
quality of services provided to the borrowers.
In terms of development, I think with would be an advantage to migrate BibCir-
culation (and all the other modules of CDS Invenio) to a development framework
like Django. I know this is difficult to implement. There are thousands of lines
of code to migrate, and with all the requests and demands that arrives every-
day to the CDS section this is quite complicated. Anyway, this would be a great
improvement, all the code would be easier to maintain.
Another important development would be creation of a new feature to gener-
ate automatically barcodes. Nowdays, when a new copy arrives, it is possible to
associate a barcode who is written manually. It would be good to automate this
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[5] Indira Koneru. Integrated Library System: Selection and Design. DESIDOC
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tute of Management Kozhikode.
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[26] Tibor Simko Tibor Simko’s Vademecum and Essays. http://simko.home. Accessed 22th September 2009.
Appendix A
Database SQL script
-- BibCirculation tables:
id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
creation_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00’,
modification_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00’,
KEY creation_date (creation_date),
KEY modification_date (modification_date)
id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(255) NOT NULL default ’’,
email varchar(255) NOT NULL default ’’,
phone varchar(60) default NULL,
address varchar(60) default NULL,
mailbox varchar(30) default NULL,
borrower_since datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
borrower_until datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
Appendix A
notes text,
id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
id_crcBORROWER int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
barcode varchar(30) NOT NULL default ’’,
period_of_interest_from datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
period_of_interest_to datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
id_crcLIBRARY int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
request_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
expected_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
arrival_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
due_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
return_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
status varchar(20) NOT NULL default ’’,
cost varchar(30) NOT NULL default ’’,
book_info text,
borrower_comments text,
only_this_edition varchar(10) NOT NULL default ’’,
library_notes text,
KEY id_crcborrower (id_crcBORROWER),
KEY id_crclibrary (id_crcLIBRARY)
barcode varchar(30) NOT NULL default ’’,
id_bibrec int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
id_crcLIBRARY int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
collection varchar(60) default NULL,
location varchar(60) default NULL,
Appendix A
description varchar(60) default NULL,
loan_period varchar(30) NOT NULL default ’’,
status varchar(20) NOT NULL default ’’,
creation_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
modification_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
number_of_requests int(3) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
PRIMARY KEY (barcode),
KEY id_bibrec (id_bibrec),
KEY id_crclibrary (id_crcLIBRARY)
id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(80) NOT NULL default ’’,
address varchar(255) NOT NULL default ’’,
email varchar(255) NOT NULL default ’’,
phone varchar(30) NOT NULL default ’’,
type varchar(30) default NULL,
notes text,
id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
id_crcBORROWER int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
id_bibrec int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
barcode varchar(30) NOT NULL default ’’,
loaned_on datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
returned_on date NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00’,
due_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
number_of_renewals int(3) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
overdue_letter_number int(3) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
overdue_letter_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
Appendix A
status varchar(20) NOT NULL default ’’,
type varchar(20) NOT NULL default ’’,
notes text,
KEY id_crcborrower (id_crcBORROWER),
KEY id_bibrec (id_bibrec),
KEY barcode (barcode)
id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
id_crcBORROWER int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
id_bibrec int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
barcode varchar(30) NOT NULL default ’’,
period_of_interest_from datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
period_of_interest_to datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
status varchar(20) NOT NULL default ’’,
notes text,
request_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
KEY id_crcborrower (id_crcBORROWER),
KEY id_bibrec (id_bibrec),
KEY barcode (barcode)
id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
id_bibrec int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
id_crcVENDOR int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default ’0’,
ordered_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
expected_date datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
price varchar(20) NOT NULL default ’0’,
status varchar(20) NOT NULL default ’’,
Appendix A
notes text,
KEY id_bibrec (id_bibrec),
KEY id_crcVENDOR (id_crcVENDOR)
id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(80) NOT NULL default ’’,
address varchar(255) NOT NULL default ’’,
email varchar(255) NOT NULL default ’’,
phone varchar(30) NOT NULL default ’’,
notes text,
Appendix B
Request workflow: online request
Figure B.1: Request workflow: online request.
Appendix C
Retrieving data from ALEPH
C.1 How to retrieve holdings information
All the information concerning holdings is stored in CER50 on the table z30. To
get the correct information, for the synchronization process with BibCirculation,
we need to retrieve the following fields:
sysno (it is the system number used by ALEPH);
item status (it corresponds to the loan period);
process status;
nb loans (number of loans);
Appendix C
C.2 How to retrieve loans information
Like for holdings, all the information about loans is stored on CER50 on the table
z36. In order, to get the correct information, for the synchronyzation process with
BibCirculation, we need to retrieve the following fields:
user id;
loan date;
due date;
nb renewall;
letter number;
letter date;
To retrieve all the fields listed above, we will need to get also some relevant
data from table z30.
C.3 How to retrieve requests information
Like for holdings and loans, all the data concerning requests is stored on CER50
on the table z37. In order, to get the correct information, for the synchronization
process with BibCirculation, we need to retrieve the following fields:
user id;
req status;
req date;
from date;
to date;
Appendix C
C.4 How to retrieve borrowers information
All the information related with borrowers is stored on CER00 on the table z303.
From the table z303 with get the rec key (Z303 REC KEY). This rec key repre-
sents the ID of a borrower in ALEPH. We can get the rec key using the following
list_ids = db_cer00.run_sql("select Z303_REC_KEY from z303")
Each rec
key has a relation with the CERN ID. This relation is made on the
table z308.
This information is important, because with the CERN ID, we can get all the
other informations related with borrowers such as the email, the phone number,
the address and the mailbox.
In order to be sure about the quality of the borrower’s data, we should retrieve
information from CERN LDAP. To do this, we can use the following method:
def get_user_info_from_ldap(nickname="", email="", ccid=""):
"""Query the CERN LDAP server for information about a user.
Return a dictionary of information"""
connection = _ldap_connection_pool[get_ident()]
except KeyError:
connection = _ldap_connection_pool[get_ident()] = _cern_ldap_login()
if nickname:
query = ’(displayName=%s)’ % nickname
elif email:
query = ’(mail=%s)’ % email
elif ccid:
query = ’(employeeID=%s)’ % ccid
return {}
result = connection.search_st(CFG_CERN_LDAP_BASE, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, query, timeout=5)
Appendix C
if result and nickname:
return result
return result[0][1]
except IndexError:
return {}
except ldap.TIMEOUT:
return {}
get_user_info_from_ldap(email="[email protected]")
get_user_info_from_ldap(nickname="John Doe")
C.5 Populating BibCirculation database
During the Synchronization process, it is necessary to populate the database of
BibCirculation. This operation is done by the same script that is responsible
for retrieving the relevant information from ALEPH 500. After retrieved all the
information the script will insert in BibCirculation database.
The following table shows, in terms of quantity, the information retrieved from
ALEPH 500:
Type of information Amount Retrieved in
loans 2674 00:01:32
loans (historical) 46223 00:20:06
requests 264 00:00:08
requests (historical) 8974 00:03.43
holdings 279579 01:41:34
borrowers 16152 00:05:27